Carolina North OP Ed by Etta Pisano

Wow. I don't know if I was the cause of it or if it was already planned, but even without having Mr. Moeser over for coffee, there is a great op-ed in the Chapel Hill News. (Source Here)

I credit her for speaking eloquently about the need for this development from a personal and professional level. In a way, this seems similar to Councilman Matt Czajkowski's call for more development to support Chapel Hill. As a parent, who wants involved professors teaching my kids, I understand her plea for a place to work near her research.

I continue to say that I would prefer Carolina North to almost any other use I can imagine for this property. If something has to be built - and it does - this is the best use. We just have to make sure that this land is used best.

While I am still skeptical of this outside developer, I understand the need for this. My question is will we (UNC and the citizens of North Carolina own this thing). If Alexandria Real Estate Trust maintains control and collects rent, does that mean we get a deep discount on having it built. If we are paying for it, we should own it.

What is the contract? How much does the University get to keep? We don't need another Parton Theater.

I don't know the answers to these questions and that is what I think we should hear about next. I still do not believe we should rush and I don't see the need with the Real Estate market failing. If Alexandria wants to work with us, surely than can give us a few months.

Thank you ro Ms. Pisato for putting forward a clear, coherent argument that does make sense. This is a good first step to being partners in this project instead of simply the place UNC happens to be.



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