July 2009

10 Acre Lot Question

I have been following up on my previous blog regarding small farm development in Orange County.  A key to any successful entireprise is being covered by the NC Bona Fide Farm statute.   I find the statute wording to be confusing, but a key provision is that 10 acres of land needs to be comprised of land in production or contiguous woodlands or wetlands.  Based on this rule, the minimum practical size for a Bona Fide farm in NC is approximately 11 acres, 10 to meet the rule in the statue and at leasts an acre for buildings and roads. 

How are you celebrating July 4th? & Ideas on celebrating locally?

I'm thinking of staying in Chapel Hill for the fireworks instead of hitting up the State Fairgrounds (my usual romping grounds on the 4th ever since undergrad at State). How do they compare? Who has been to the firework display in Chapel Hill, is it very good? Are there any good spots in town where you can park & watch w/o going to the main event as you can with the State Fairgrounds firework display? Will WCHL be covering the event live? Any other fun ideas for the 4th in Chapel Hill/Carrboro? What are you doing for the 4th?


I found this News Release on the Town of Chapel Hill's shiney new website:



 "News Review

And so it begins... Filing officially starts today!

From the Orange County Board of Elections :

2009 Municipal and

Chapel Hill/Carrboro School Board

Election Schedule and

Candidate Filing Information


Election Day is November 3rd

In observance of Independence Day, the Board of Elections office will be closed

Friday, July 3rd.


Filing will start at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, July 6, 2009,

and will end at 12:00 Noon, Friday, July 17, 2009.

Citizens for Responsible Government

Does anyone know anything about this new group reported in Orange Chat, Citizens for Responsible Government.  They appear to be a political action committee of some sort that intends on influencing the upcoming election. 

 The website says that their mission is to, "support candidates and policies that promote the responsiveness, efficiency and fiscal health of our local governments." 

Eastgate / 15-501 intersection is ridiculous

So you're on 15-501 going towards Durham.  You pass the Estes Dr / Univ Mall turnoff.  And you pass the one (Elliot Rd?) with the Burger King right was after you turn and with a little shopping center on the right.  (BTW, whatever happened to that big chunk of land that was going to have an expanded movie theater but the movie company and CH butted heads?  That thing has been a big empty patch for a decade or so.)  And you go to the next one...Eastgate on the left, Holiday Inn on the right.  That intersection is crazy.

The Truth About Voter Owned Elections and why Penny Rich is Participating

It is important to recognize that the goal of Voter Owned Elections is not simply to reign in campaign spending but to put government back into the hands of the public.  Voter Owned Elections help to ensure that politicians are accountable to the voters and not to well-funded special interest groups that donate large sums to campaigns.  Public campaign financing also ensures that marginalized groups, such as women, minorities and low-income citizens who may not have access to special interest funding or the ability to loan themselves large sums of money still have an opportunity to participate in the electoral process.

Steve Silverleaf at the Century Center opening reception

Drop by the Century Center tonight on the 2ndFriday Art Walk for an exhibit of new oil paintings by wonderfully talented artist Steve Silverleaf.

The Conversation 1

Elections 2009

Candidate information and election guides will be added to this section as they become available. Unlike the rest of the site, our election information is completely nonpartisan.

Please visit the Orange County Board of Elections for a wealth of information about the 2009 election: http://www.co.orange.nc.us/elect/2009MunicipalElection.asp

Please contact us if you would like to help build out OP's election guide by doing research, writing, or programming.


2009 Candidate Filings from the Board of Elections


Incumbents are identified by an asterisk (*) beside their name. Web site URLs added by OP when available.


Important dates

Key dates from the Board of Elections




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