Via postcard:
UNCCH invites you to attend a public pre-application information session for the Carolina North US Army Corps of Engineers Individual Permit Application. The University will describe the permit, the approval process, and work accomplished thus far. Representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers will attend. There will be a Q and A session.
Monday, June 21, Seymour Senior Center, 5:00-6:30 pm. Contact info: Jill Coleman, 843-3246.
And via Julie McClintock (for those who, like me, were wondering what the heck this is all about):
It is not commonly known by the public that UNC is seeking a 50 year Corps of Engineers permit which will document and assess impacts of all roads, greenways etc that will impact water courses on the entire tract of Carolina North.
More info?
I discovered this a half-hour before the end - sigh. Do you, or does Julie, have a sense of any broader implications of seeking or having that permit? Seems like documentation is a Good Thing, but might be looking for a more compelling benefit here - and also wondering about the timing. Why now? That may be (overly) paranoid, but so many things that have been pivotal re: that tract and that project have happened in the summer.
Sounds like trouble
If only because it's unexpected.Secondly, because it's the Army.Thirdly because no local reps warned us.4thly - who is running the local show?5thly - what response is left to us who are surprised?