
News and opinions related to local elections.


 It appears that as far as I can see on the political scene that there is a civil war here in orange county between liberal democrats and  conservative republicans. Where are the moderates of both parties.  Which of the current candidates of either party declare that he or she is a moderate liberal democrat or moderate conservative republican . Perhaps I might  declare I"M  a moderate liberal republican.  Gary Kahn

What Is A Liberal Republican

The Orange County Republican Party defines it self as its 2 favorite presidents are Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. At a recent party meeting this issue came up, and I said openly to this group my favorite Republican Presidents were Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt. There  response was  it makes sense a Republican from Chapel Hill would think that.  I said my third favorite was President Eisenhower. Gary   Kahn

Mia Burroughs to Run for County Commissioner

Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board member Mia Burroughs will seek the Orange County commissioner seat being vacated by Commissioner Alice Gordon, OrangePolitics has confirmed.

Carrboro Planning Board Chair, Bethany Chaney, Enters Race for Alderperson

Down But Not Out

Hi all, I would like to clarify my statement made to WCHL on election night, I said im resigning from Chapel Hill politics, But  I did not rule out the possibility of running  for public office again on the  county, state, or federal level. This may or may not  happen sooner or later. Thank you, Gary Kahn



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