
Selecting the grand jury in 2006

Guest post by Alan McSurely

Discussion on Impeachment of George Bush Town Meeting
7 PM, January 27, Carrboro Town Hall
Panel to include Dan Pollitt, Diana McDuffee, Lucy Lewis, Al McSurely
- dent : Impeach Who?
When we vote in May and again in November 2006 in the Congressional primary and general election, the most important issue facing us is to select strong members for the impeachment grand jury. The House of Representatives has three main constitutional duties: to spend our money wisely; to declare war when the U.S. is in real danger; and to impeach (that is, charge) the President and the Vice President with high crimes and misdemeanors. The Senate then sits as a criminal jury, and decides whether to convict and remove them from office.

Cheaper by the dozen

The Daily Tar Heel had a nice summary of the twelve candidates vying for Carrboro's vacant Board of Aldermen seat. Unfortunately the list was illegible online, and now isn't online at all. The applicants are: Alena Callimanis, David Beck, James Carnahan, Stephen Clossick, Dan Coleman, Catherine DeVine, Robert Kirschner, Lydia Lavelle, John Marold, David Marshall, Katrina Ryan, Albert Vickers.

They include three candidates from last fall, and four residents of the annexation area. Does anyone know these folks and want to give us some more information that we might not have on some of the relative new comers?

Carrboro's staff also plans to have all of the applications online... um any time now. I'll add a link to that when it becomes available.

Next step: the Aldermen will publicly interview the candidates a week from yesterday on Thursday, 1/19/06, and plan to vote on the appointment at their meeting on Tuesday, 1/31/06. There is some discussion of adjusting the process in light of the very large number of applicants.

Talk talk talk

The DTH reports renewed saber-rattling from Katrina Ryan over Carrboro's vacant Board of Aldermen seat, but no application yet. So far the applicants are: Dan Coleman, Catherine Devine, Lydia Lavelle, and John Marold (whose web site says he lives in Chapel Hill - oops! - but also that he speaks Spanish and serves on the Carrboro Human Services Committee Advisory Board). Applications are due tomorrow, so don't delay, folks...

While Ryan said she thinks the aldermen are not likely to select her after they declined to appoint her in December, she added that she will try a final time for her neighbors' sake.

Her application will include a letter of recommendation from former Texas Gov. Ann Richards, for whom Ryan campaigned, and a petition from 525 fellow annexees in favor of her appointment.
- The Daily Tar Heel - Ryan to pursue Carrboro fourth seat

Vacancy: Board of Aldermen Seeks Appointee

On January 19, 2006 the Carrboro Board of Aldermen will host a public forum and interview applicants for the vacated Board of Aldermen seat.

As a group, I think the Board will be looking for two specific attributes in the appointee: 1) the motivation to make positive contributions to the community and solve community problems, and 2) the necessary conviction and capability to do the job well--- but what other qualities will the Board look for?

What other qualities should the Board look for? a community builder?, a peacemaker?, a hard worker?, a visionary?, someone measured and balanced?, someone inspirational?, a relative unknown?, someone experienced and well-versed?, someone with superior analytical skills?, someone non-controversial?, integrity?, wisdom?, social lubrication?, fresh ideas?...

What do people think?

In with the new

Hillsborough has a new mayor! It's nice to see the incumbent wasn't bitter about being ousted. Ooops:

Stevens, in his first run for public office, defeated Joe Phelps, the two-term incumbent, in the November election.

Phelps, in remarks to the board, said he thought the issue of adding more sidewalks to town was a "deciding factor" in this year's election.

"Mr. Stevens promoted this idea of having sidewalks all over town time and again," Phelps said. "Everyone wants sidewalks, but how to pay for them has always been the real issue."

Phelps said he'd be paying attention at budget time to see how the issue of sidewalks is addressed, "to make sure that campaign promises don't turn into campaign rhetoric."

- Mayor sworn in, leads 1st meeting, 12/13/05



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