Growth & Development

Update on a proposed large CVS in downtown Carrboro

Back in November, I posted about the large development CVS is proposing to build catty-corner from the Century Center.  (see here).  Since that post things have been moving along quietly.

Here is a quick recap of whats going on...

Carrboro Northern Study Area Design Workshop

The purpose of this design workshop is to gather community input on land uses in Carrboro's Northern Study Area. Carrboro planning staff, representatives of Durham Area Designers, and members of the public will work in small groups to share information and consider design ideas for the area.


NSA Development Patterns


Saturday, February 26, 2011 - 8:30am to 4:30pm


Morris Grove Elementary School, 215 Eubanks Road, Carrboro

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign

Among the items the Chapel Hill Town Council will be reviewing at tonight's public hearing is a revision to the LUMO to loosen the regulations on ground signs at commercial developments outside of downtown, including:

  1. Removing the limit on the amount of information that can be displayed on the sign;
  2. Increasing the maximum information display area from 15 to 50-72 square feet;
  3. Increasing the maximum overall signage area from 15 to 216 square feet; and
  4. Increasing the maximum height from 8 feet to 10-12 feet, depending on the speed limit of the adjacent road.

How will the new UDO impact the rural buffer?

Orange County is proposing to create a new Unified Development Ordinance which would combine and replace all of their existing laws about zoning and property development.  At the some time some changes are being proposed to several long-range planning tools. This document was posted on the County Web page in November and is pretty massive in size, close to 800 pages.

Currently, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and the County have a rural buffer which limits sprawl at the edges of our towns. I'm concerned about how the UDO might affect the buffer, so I've taken a few steps to prompt some discussion of the matter.

International Citizens' Day of Action to Move Money from the BIG Bank$.

We are hearing a lot about austerity everywhere nowadays, at every scale, county to international.  What we are not hearing: austerity for the Banks!, austerity for the big electricity utilities!, austerity for vampire multinational corporations! .. who have been making a killing this year while so many have lost their jobs, austerity for the rich! .. who may continue to not pay taxes (possibly enabled by Obama's spinelessness and our lack of accountability for him), austerity to the pentagon!  

Well, here is another attempt --an event-- to begin to change this ...

I would like to encourage all who still have their money with banks that are 'too big too fail,' banks that are 'too big to be subject to austerity' --designations not afforded to real people, who are the ones who end up picking up the tab for the banks and get fleeced in the process--, or with banks that finance criminal environmental practices such as tar sands oil extraction (RBC), to:

Please consider joining the international day of action on December 7th to withdraw your money and put it into a credit union or small independent locally owned bank instead.

Locally we now have, the Latino Credit Union and Harrington bank, and if you have a connection to someone who has an account with the State Employees Credit Union, this works too.

Happy Thanksgiving!

 P.S. Related articles of interest:

P.S.S. Should we have a local party of independence to celebrate those who make the change on December 7th?



Tuesday, December 7, 2010 - 3:00am


@ all 'too big to fail' banks



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