Orange County

BoCC races to hammer out Transit Tax Agreement before election

At the eleventh hour, the BoCC is still working through important issues on the transit plan - including whether Chapel Hill Transit (CHT) can use the new sales tax funds for existing service. Under the current agreement, they cannot.  This is of particular concern given CHT's reliance on UNC funds and routing.  The current plan does not allow CHT to use sales tax funds to change their routes to fill in possible gaps created by changes in UNC''s routes.

Its hard to understand why this is coming up for the first time -but at least people may finally start talking about how the transit plan impacts CHT and the bus system that everyone loves.   Its especially difficult to understand why the county is so anxious to give control over transit to TTA. 

Great report by Chapelboro's Elizabeth Friend 

The video of the meeting is a worth a look

Commissioners Move Interlocal Agreement Forward

In a crowded meeting last night, the Board of County Commissioners reviewed and discussed the proposed interlocal implementation agreement for the recently adopted transit plan. The discussion centered around a few questions: who would be party to the agreement, who would have control over how much of the revenues brought in from the transit tax. I've excerpted the part of the more than 400-page agenda packet that concerns the agreement here for you to see the draft of the agreement itself.

"Dream Up Downtown" with the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership

The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership is ramping up YOUR involvement in the Chapel Hill downtown with the "Dream Up Downtown Walks." These walks are moving conversations to explore and engage in our downtown. The walks are on the first Thursday of September, October, November and December, beginning at 6 pm at the University Baptist Church Memorial Garden at the corner of Franklin Street and Columbia Street.

Explore downtown Chapel Hill with CHDP's "Dream Up Downtown Walks" - moving conversations about OUR town, 6pm 10/4, 11/1, 12/6

Joint meeting of BoCC and both school boards

SAPFO isn't perhaps the most interesting topic the BoCC deals with, but it will become critical if we have to stop all development in town.  Agenda (link below) for our joint work session with the county and both school systems includes discussion of some modifications to SAPFO.



Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 7:00pm


Southern Human Services Center



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