A little bird flew in the window this morning bearing news of the application for a new charter school here in Chapel Hill/Carrboro. I found that interesting because when I was education chair for the local NAACP the idea was kicked around and found to have many holes in it. For me the expense and building of infrastructure was too great. This district, although it is failing the majority of the children of color, has a fantastic infrastructure and curriculum that, if improved upon, will do well for all students.
Recently, I and a group of parents from Chapel Hill and Carrboro met with the new school superintendent, Dr. Forcella. As a result I intend to work with him as opposed to funneling money away from the district as a charter school would do, if the application is approved.
So, as what should be normally done when faced with something unexpected, follow the money. In this case it started with an article from Truthout.org I read yesterday discussing the "pilot" programs in Florida centering around the privatization of education.