Ruby Sinreich's blog

Road Widening

The NCDOT will hold a meeting to discuss plans to widen Weaver Dairy Road tonight at 7 p.m. in the auditorium at East Chapel Hill High School. This has been quite a contentious issue in the past. I think it's a tough issue because people who live near it don't want it to turn into a busy thoroughfare, but at the same time they have no other way to get around since most of them live on cul-de-sacs and streets that don't go anywhere. And there's the not-small matter of the very different approaches to street improvement of DOT and the Town of Chapel Hill. (Interestingly noted in this 2002 presentation at the American Planning Association by Chapel Hill Planning Director Roger Waldon.)

A Birthday Gift

Today's Daily Tarheel has a very nice article about last Friday's birthday party. Thanks again to all who attended!

There are two small changes to the site starting today. One is the Election Coutdown. (Right now it is counting down the number of days left to register, then it will count days until the election.) Also, I have beefed up the About Us page, with links to more information about OP.

Broad to get faculty job at UNC

Molly Broad will be getting a faculty post when she retires from her position as UNC System President. "Broad's current salary is $312,504. If she retired at that salary, her annual faculty pay could be $187,502. The average annual salary for a full professor at UNC-CH was $106,300 in 2003-04, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education." - N & O, 9/24/04. Woah, flashback...

Where did all the kids go?

This was surprising news: Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools (you know, the ones that are overcrowded because of the rapid growth of our school-aged community) only added 68 new students this school year. This was so far under expectations that they may have to give some money back to the state. Don't worry - both high schools are still over capacity.

I haven't noticed any radical changes in development patterns. The only explanations I can think of are charter schools taking in more students, or the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO). But I don't think SAPFO has been implemented yet. The Chapel Hill News called it a "pause" in our ongoing growth spurt. I wonder if this could this signal a significant change in our development patterns?

We're One (Almost)

As you have no doubt heard by now, we are fast approaching the very first birthday of this website. You are probably wondering how to commemorate this joyous occasion. Here are some suggestions:



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