Ruby Sinreich's blog

The Big Bust of 2004

Well I didn't get a chance to join my neighbors in Northside for a night out last night, but I have walked many times past the notorious crack house on Nunn Street. My neighbors attest that this has been a known place of dealing for over 10 years. And it doesn't take an expert to see it - young men commonly stand in the middle of the street, approach slowing cars, exchange bags and bills in broad daylight.

Police got so desperate about the situation last April that they arrested the wheelchair-bound woman who lived there. She was basically trading her home for some minimal elder care from the dealers and their friends. This is not an unusual arrangement around here. I'm told by some neighbors that she recently took a turn for the worse, and her family put her into a rest home.

Say Goodbye to Anonymous Cowards

Since this site started last September many of you have called for restrictions on anonymous posting. All of us involved with couldn't agree more. That's why I have been working for over two months on moving the entire site to a different blogging platform that will allow for more control over posting.

The move from MovableType to WordPress will allow us to require and validate real e-mail addresses for every commenter. In case this system is abused, we also have the ability to turn on moderation for all comments. This will be a real bummer for everyone, so let's hope we don't have to resort to that.

The new site is in its final stages of development, and all it needs now is testing. That's where you come in. Soon (this week or next), the subscribers to our reader's digest e-mail list will be invited to check out the new site before it gets launched to the public. If you would like to help with that effort, please join the list by entering your e-mail address in the form on the right side of this page.

Who's On Your List

I'd love to hear - in a positive way - who people are voting for in tomorrow's primary. The rules: only write who you are voting for (and why, if you like). Do not refer to any candidates for whom you are not voting. If you do not follow the rules, your comments will be removed.

So, who floats your boat? Or who bugs you less than the alternative?

Primary News Roundup

"Dollar dollar bill, y'all..." Sorry I don't have time to write more, but here are some articles in today's Herald. Looks like it's all about money!

It turns out SEANC paid for the so-called "push polls" that appeared to be promoting Barry Jacobs in House District 50. No wonder, SEANC (the State Employees Association of N.C., pronounced "scenic") did endorse him.

Doesn't look like those calls have hurt him in the pocketbook, anyway. Bill Faison is the top spender in the House 50 race, having spent $59,000 to Barry Jacobs' $17,500. Faison has raised a total of $109,175 - including $103,000 of his own money. Jacobs' has raised $39,272 so far, most of which came from donors who gave $100 or less.

Commissioner Marget Brown, who failed to file her finance report by last week's deadline, raised more than any of her opponents in her re-election bid. She has raised $12,692.50, and has over $10K left to spend!

Knock on Wood

I think comments and everything are working correctly now. I don't feel 100% confident of that. And conveniently, I'm supposed to go out of town for work today (and for fun this weekend and for work again on Monday). So let me put it this way: it had better be working!

Interestingly, there was a point yesterday when I couldn't make changes to the site at all. Many of you were e-mailing me, and the only way to get a mass announcement out was through the OP Readers Digest list. So sign up for that list if you really want to know the latest news about the site - including sneak previews of the new blog software!



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