Ruby Sinreich's blog


Sorry for the site being down so much of yesterday. It was particularly bad timing as several things came up that I wanted to post about including Madison and NextBus. Look for a few new items showing up this weekend and feel free to suggest better web hosting services...

Happy Car Free Day

What are you doing to observe it?

Personally, I already work from home (no commute) and although I often run errands by foot or bike, I need some stuff from Earth Fare (WSM is out of my cat food again) so I will try to take to bus down there.

In addition to Chapel Hill Transit which is free every day, all of the buses in the Triangle will be fare-free today, so it's a great time to try out some regional routes.

The new Town Manager of Chapel Hill will be taking the bus to work. How about you?

UNC changing campus development plan

The following is an announcement I got this weekend from Linda Convissor in UNC's Local Relations department. The Development Plan was a 300+ page document outlining the next 10 years of development on campus. Under the terms of the OI-4 zone created in 2001 for UNC, the University submits these plans to the town in return for the removal of a cap that had limited them to 14 million square feet on development on the main campus.

Under the terms of OI-4, the Town will have 4 months to review and approve the plan modifications, which range into hundreds of pages, plus maps, and the inevitable corrections and clarifications.

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

On Wednesday, September 13, 2006, the Town of Chapel Hill will hold a public information meeting on the University's application to amend its campus Development Plan. The meeting will be at 5 p.m. at the Chapel Hill Town Hall. The Town has mailed notice to property owners within 1,000 feet of campus.

WSM owners, unite

Year after year it seems that the member/owners of Weaver Street Market wonder if our co-operative grocery store is doing the right thing. Are we getting enough dividends? Are the prices fair? Do we really need to open new branches and additional businesses? And more recently... How can WSM justify telling us and our friends whether and how to dance while we are being law-abiding consumers of their goods and services?

Welcome back, Councilmembers

The Chapel Hill Town Council will have a packed agenda on Monday at their first post-summer meeting. After today you can see the agenda online. Here's a run-down from the Town's e-mail update list:

- Castalia at Meadowmont
The Council will consider a special use permit application that proposes to construct a building with office space and dwelling units on a 4.2-acre site that is located in the Meadowmont development, at the intersection of West Barbee Chapel Road and NC Highway 54, across from the Hilltop Condominiums.

- Changeable or Moveable Signs Outside of the Town Center Zoning District
In response to a petition from business owners, the Council will review options regarding changeable/moveable signage outside the Town Center, including whether to expand sandwich board use to other commercial areas; to expand sandwich board use to commercial areas with sidewalks on both sides of a road and speed limits no greater than 25 miles per hour; or to make no changes to the existing sign regulations.



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