Ruby Sinreich's blog


...must it always rain on election day?

Vote on Sunday too

Weaver Street Market is having their annual member meeting this Sunday at noon. This is your last chance to meet the candidates and cast your vote for the Board of Directors.

From their newsletter:

The Weaver Street Market Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 5 in the Carrboro Century Center. Free buffet lunch for all owners of the co-op will start at noon, followed by a “meet and greet” with the Board of Directors candidates and the business meeting. Mark your calendars and come learn about your co-op!

Hope to see y'all there!

Republicans attempt to deceive Orange County voters

Just read on BlueNC that someone is trying to trick Chapel Hill voters by representing a list of Republican judicial candidates as Democrats. Don't they know we are some of the most educated voters in the state?

Yesterday, I received various complaints about deceptive Republican tactics during the early voting in Chapel Hill. Apparently, Republican canvassers are approaching people entering the polls and asking if they're Democrats. If the answer is “yes,” they are given a flyer and told "This is a list of our judicial candidates." The problem: the list contains only the Republican candidates! Because Party affiliation isn't listed on the ballot, voters are being misled.
- North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Jerry Meek quoted in Cheaters | BlueNC

If this is true, Republicans are even dumber (or more desperate) than I thought.

Congressional debate video

After I watched Mark Barrosso's kick-ass video (thanks, Dan) about the "Yes Men" of Chatham County, offered me a related link to another regional political video. It was segments of Republican challenger Colonel Steve Acuff during a recent debate with Democratic incumbent Congressmember David Price.

I managed to find the entire 75 minute video (that shows Price as well as Acuff) on Google Video and thought I'd share it here (in spite of the fact that it has Acuff's URL in it):

If anyone has the patience to watch the whole thing, let me know how it ends. ;-)

I don't want to sit on Santa's lap

Is it just me or does the Downtown Partnership's* "Festival of Lights" sound like the mall-i-fication of downtown?



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