Ruby Sinreich's blog

Hillsborough's growth boundary

I was pleased to read recently that the Town of Hillsborough is working with the county to develop plans for a rural buffer which will limit sprawl and guide development in areas where it's considered desirable.

Town elected officials and staff have been working with their Orange County counterparts and consultants all year to determine how large Hillsborough should grow and how the town and county can work together better along the boundaries. Under the plan, Hillsborough would have a rural buffer, an understanding with the county about what land eventually will be annexed into the town, and a limit on the expansion of water and sewer services.
- | Hillsborough weighs future

Click for full-size map.

Final answer

Looks like Allen Baddour will get the second Superior Court seat as he has retained the same small margin he had after the provisional ballots were counted last week.

It took all day Tuesday for the ballots to be recounted, but when the final count was in, Baddour had received 17,228 votes, and Stein had received 17,165, a 63-vote difference.
- Baddour retains Superior Court post

Since we had four very talented and qualified candidates running for these two seats, I knew we'd have a good judge coming out of it either way. I do regret that our community will never get to have Adam Stein on the bench, but we still benefit from his work in so many other ways.

Congratulations, Allen. It's certainly nice to see someone my own age in a respected position of authority. Give 'em hell!

Chapel Hill speaks out on the Downtown Development Initiative.

The Chapel Town Council has a big meeting tonight. I meant to blog about it in advance, but since I didn't I will start this thread and hope to post live comments as it goes along.

Here's the agenda. I'll stick with this at least through the Public Forum on the Downtown Development Initiative.

Communicating Regional Issues in a New Media World

So I'll be gone for the rest of the week doing dual duty as a granddaughter and conference panelist. I'll be speaking about OrangePolitics at the National Forum of the Alliance for Regional Stewardship. I'm not telling you this to brag but to a) let you know what a special thing we have going here, and b) ask for your input on the topic:

Communicating Regional Issues in a New Media World: More than one report has noted the demise of newspapers as the principle means by which citizens learn about their region and its opportunities and challenges. In their place, many organizations are now making creative and effective use of new communications technologies to reach constituents. This session will be filled with practical insights into putting the new communication tools to work.

Fly-over Thursday

Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for passing along this information so we needn't have our annual heart attack when Chapel Hill is invaded by noisy, low-flying military planes:

Our F-15's have had a change in their schedule and will be arriving in
Chapel Hill this Thursday (Nov. 16th) for their practice runs. The time will remain the same - between 3-4pm. PLEASE pass this information along to anyone who needs to be kept in the loop. Let me know if you have any questions.

Again, F-15 practice runs will take place over Kenan this Thursday between 3-4 pm.


Michael Beale
Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing
University of North Carolina Athletics

I must admit, I still don't get why they need to do this in the middle of our busy town. Don't they have military bases for this kind of thing?



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