Ruby Sinreich's blog

Free Sima

I was outraged when I learned about the detention of an Iranian woman who has been peacefully living in Carrboro for several years.

Sima Fallahi, 48, was detained last week after living in the United States for two decades. Her 104 Shelton St. duplex is a few blocks from Carrboro Elementary School, where she served in the Parent Teacher Association, and Weaver Street Market, the local natural foods hangout. Her paintings have hung in Town Hall.

Now Fallahi sits in a Mecklenburg County federal prison.

Her Western ideals, out-of-wedlock daughter and Unitarian beliefs would cause her to be "persecuted, tortured and/or killed" if deported, Fallahi wrote in a 1998 application for political asylum.

Mayor Mark Chilton and state Sen. Ellie Kinnaird urged Price, a Chapel Hill Democrat, to intervene.
- | Fate of mom, girl worries Carrboro

Town Council to decide on Lot 5 and UNC campus growth

A few interesting items are on the Chapel Hill Town Council's agenda tonight:

Three public hearings, the Downtown Development Initiative (aka redevelopment of Lot 5), safety improvements (presumably for pedestrians) on the by-pass, UNC's massive third development plan modification, establishing a small area plan for the neighborhood next to the county landfill, and a few other fun things.

I'm not sure if I can make it there in person, but I'll try to tune in while the meeting is in progress.

By the way has anyone visited TownOfChapelHill-dot-com lately? It appears to be owned by a squatter trying to game search engines with a bunch of commercial links. Didn't the town used to own the dot-com domain? How did this happen?


I just gotta shout "Amen!" to Bill Friday's letter to the editor about the million dollar salary of UNC's new football coach.

I believe that those of us who are college sports fans, who believe in and respect the great value of team competition, must look ourselves in the mirror and ask what we are willing to do to "win." Are these the priorities our university should have in investing its resources? Where is this race "to win" taking us?
- | Your Letters

WCHL interviewed Dr. Friday and you can listen to it here:
How they can do this while raising tuitions and denying professors' requests for better salaries is beyond me.

Listening to downtown

I wasn't planning to blog this, but I just attended the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership's Annual Meeting and Public Forum and there are a few things continuing to nag at me.

DP chair Tom Tucker started the meeting by discussing their three "clients": UNC, the Town of Chapel Hill, and downtown businesses. These are the same constituencies represented on the DP's board. For all their talking about importance of residential development downtown, no-one is working to include the voices of those who currently live downtown (or would like to). If they did, I think they would hear a very different set of priorities and concerns.

For example, many families who want to live in urban settings also want to be able to walk to work, the grocery store, and the playground. We have to get out of our suburban single-family-home mindset to understand the needs and desires of our potential downtown dwellers.

Village Project open house

I just got this announcement in the mail. I won't be able to attend, but I would love to support them. The VP has really improved the community dialog around development by doing things like their Concept Plan for Carolina North which gives us something else to react to besides UNC's auto-centric plans and the Town's vague principles.

Pssst, hey Village Project: why isn't this event mentioned on your website?



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