
Round two!

Here's a new thread for contintuing discussion of the Carrboro Board of Aldermen's attempt to make themselves whole. The meeting begins at 7pm tonight at Carrboro Town Hall, and I understand it will also be on cable.

Last night's deliberation
Candidate interviews
Candidate discussion
Actual applications (PDF)

Here's Carrboro's chance to show they know how to compromise...

And today's appointees are: Alito and…

Who will the Carrboro Board of Aldermen appoint to the vacated alderman seat tonight? Will it be a good day for ‘conservatives'? Or will Alito have to share his big moment with Dan or James or Catherine or Lydia or... ?

There's been precious little speculation on OP about who we can expect to be appointed. Frankly, I'm stumped. What's the best thinking out there? What voting process do people want the BoA to use tonight?

Immigration, Identity, and Education

The following is an announcement from the Carrboro Cybrary:

On Wednesday, February 1 at 7:00 pm, the community is invited to the Century Center for a discussion about the social, cultural, and political issues surrounding the growth of the state's Hispanic immigrant population as viewed through the context of Esmeralda Santiago's memoir When I Was Puerto Rican .

Latinos living in North Carolina face both tangible struggles involving language and education and more intangible questions of cultural identity and authenticity. The complexities of the immigrant experience are at the heart of Esmeralda Santiago's memoir When I Was Puerto Rican and are the focus of Carrboro's next Community Book Forum. On Wednesday, February 1 at 7:00 pm, the community is invited to the Century Center for a discussion about the social, cultural, and political issues surrounding the growth of the state's Hispanic immigrant population. The discussion will touch on Santiago's book, the current debate surrounding immigrants in the state's higher education system, and the experience of Latinos in our own communities.

On not driving

Local blogger Crazy John pledged last Thursday night to not drive for one week. He's documenting each day on his blog.

Day 1: John becomes increasingly aware of the world around him.

Day 2: John takes the bus, enjoys seeing friends and sometimes getting rides from them.

Day 3: John's resolve is weakened when he realizes that the buses don't run on Sunday and his feet are killing him. "I walked to Carrboro and back in my foot-unfriendly Chuck Taylor's. I can't believe those shoes were worn in the NBA for decades."

What will happen next? Will John's feet make it through the week?

Have you gone car-free, readers? How do you make it work? What can local governments do to make it easier?

Act now to protect democracy

Guest Post by Jacquie Gist

Help Save Our Democracy!

Please call Congress Member David Price's office NOW this weekend and encourage him to support John Conyers House Resolution 635 calling for the creation of a select committee to investigate the administration. The Congressman needs to know that many in his district consider this the most important thing he can do this term and we will remember his vote come election day.

Contact David Price:
Chapel Hill office: 919-967-7924
DC office: 202-225-1784



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