Growth & Development

Pro-environment and Pro-business are not mutually exclusive

I am a graduate student in the UNC Planning Department (and the School of Law).  My Site Planning class tonight had guest lecturer Bruce Ballentine to talk about Glen Lennox.  About an hour into the lecture, a classmate of mine asked if Glen Lennox is an issue in the current municipal election.  In the discourse about his take on the municipal election that followed, Mr. Ballentine called several of the candidates "anti-growth, anti-business, anti-University, and anti-downtown."  He spared "three of the mayoral candidates" and DeHart, Pease, and Pohlman by name.  He portrayed the muncipal elections in a biased manner, one that I felt was purposefully misleading.  Regardless, it was an inapprorpriate forum for his stump speech. 

Instead of the Southern Part of Heaven how about the Southern Part of Nowhere Special

History. For some, the mere suggestion of the topic instantly glazes over the eyes and makes the lids heavy. It's a fact that most of us have been taught history the wrong way. But the past can be a very interesting tool if you know how to use it. Through peering backwards one can discover who we are and it can be an important tool measure the future.

My job is to try and save Chapel Hill's historic places, which is no easy task. There are special buildings, homes, fields, and rocks in this town that embody a past that makes this town unique and downright cool. They are the physical manifestations of our history. But trying to appeal to the "better angels of our nature" about the importance of preserving history often falls on deaf ears. Chapel Hill is certainly progressive but it is not progressive about saving its past.   

I submit for discussion an ordinance the Preservation Society is trying to persuade the Town of Chapel Hill to adopt.

Orange County Parade of Homes for 2009

There are 9 Orange County new homes listed in the Parade of Homes insert of today's Herald.

Only one house is listed at barely under $400,000.  The other 8 are all over $500,000 with 3 listed above a million.  Does this say something about affordability in Orange County?  Combine those prices with the tax rates and what demographics are being invited to live in the OC?

Candidate Forum: Social Issues Facing Chapel Hill

Gene Nichol moderates this social justice focused candidate forum on Wednesday, Oct 21 from 7-9 p.m. Hear candidate ideas and positions on issues like affordable housing, democracy reform and civil rights, welcoming Chapel Hill's immigrant and refugee communities, and environmental justice. 

Candidate forum sponsors include: NC Common Cause, Democracy North Carolina, League of Women Voters, NAACP (UNC Chapter), Justice and Peace Commission of The Church of Reconciliation. Individual sponsors include: Rev. Stephen Elkins-Williams (Chapel of the Cross), Rev. Bob Dunham (University Presbyterian Church), Richard andJill Edens (United Church of Chapel Hill), and Rev. Peter JB Carman (Binkley Baptist Church).

Due to other church business that evening, THERE IS NO PARKING AT UUMC. Please plan to use street or other available parking.

Contact Josh Glasser, or 919-260-1364 for more information


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


University United Methodist Church, 150 E Franklin St.

Sustain:Sakina Interest Meeting

Sustain: Sakina Task Force

Interested in Public Health?  International Development?  GlobalEducation? 

Get involved with Sustain Foundation's programs in Sakina,Tanzania.  The programs are currently working to raise awareness in thelocal community and plan the implementation of community-based healthand education programs in Sakina. This volunteer position caninclude hands-on work with community partners, event planning, publicrelations, multimedia work, research, and interaction withcoordinators in Sakina. 

Come to the kick-off meeting Tuesday, October 29 at 5 in Alumni Hall.  Email for more information. 


Alumi Hall, on UNC campus



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