North Carolina

Candidate Filing Period: Open Thread

The candidate filing period for the May 8 primary elections begins today at noon. In Orange County, 10 seats in various state and county races are up for grabs.

Representative Joe Hackney Announces Retirement

HKonJ 6

Historic Thousands on Jones Street People's Assembly 6

14 Point People's Agenda for North Carolina



Saturday, February 11, 2012 - 9:30am to 12:30pm


Assemble at Shaw University in Raleigh, NC

Race to the Ballot - Chapel Hill

Race to the Ballot, a statewide campaign to raise awareness of the effects of Amendment One, the current hate campaign against gay and lesbian North Carolinians, will arrive in Chapel Hill on February 16.

Over a five-week period, from January 27 to March 2, 2012, Protect NC Families Communications Director Jen Jones, trailed by a team of campaign organizers, social media street teams, and documentarians, will run 322 miles across the state of North Carolina, from the mountains of Asheville, N.C., to the coastal city of Wilmington, N.C., to raise awareness about the harms of the Amendment.

You and your friends can participate in the race and invest in its success.

Race to the Ballot will support the voter education and registration efforts of the Coalition to Protect NC Families.


Thursday, February 16, 2012 - 12:00pm to 9:00pm

Lee Scholars Charter School Moves Forward

I have "School Board 101" tomorrow and Friday, so if I were smart, I'd probably wait to write this after being trained in how to avoid saying something stupid.  But that's never quite been my style, so here goes.  As always, note that I speak here for myself only, not the CHCCS board in this.



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