Poverty Awareness Week at UNC

N.C. NAACP President Reverend William Barber II will be speaking at the University of North Carolina on Friday, March 23 in a culmination of "Poverty Awareness Week."

The event, held in the Campus Y Ballroom at 11 a.m., will address the issues of poverty and their relation to social justice and race. It will be followed by presentations by local agencies about the opportunities to volunteer and aid in ending homelessness. Participating agencies include but are not limited to:
- Neighbor House
- Teens Climb High
- Joblinks
- Triangle Youth Services (drop-in center on Franklin St.)
- Women's Center
- Family Violence Prevention Center
- Orange Co. Rape Crisis Center
- Hidden Voices

Walkout on the war

The UNC chapter of Students for Democratic Society* is calling for a campus-wide walkout today to protest the ongoing disaster in Iraq. If I was a student (or just on campus) I would be there!


On March 20th, students at UNC-Chapel Hill will join thousands of other students on 69 college campuses in walking out of class in order to mark the 4th anniversary of the war on Iraq. At noon, students will leave their classes and come together in the Pit for a short rally and march. This event will feature spoken word performances by members of the Black Student Movement as well as the musical stylings of samba group Cackalack Thunder.

WHAT: Walkout, rally, march!
WHERE: The Pit, next to the Student Union
WHEN: Gather at noon
WHY: There's a war going on!
- Walkout Against the War! | UNC Chapel Hill SDS, 3/19/07

Stay informed on Carolina North

While it is really hard to imagine, Carolina North is going to have a HUGE impact on all of us, from the west end of Carrboro, through the Barclay neighborhood, the Bolin creek neighborhoods, and all the way to Martin Luther King Boulevard, Homestead Road, and all of Estes. Please pay attention to the emerging plans. It might not be possible to halt the beginning of this development, but we can influence the pace and design at this stage.

For further information about campaigns to alter the development, see the Friends of Bolin Creek website: www.bolincreek.org .

It is amazing how little publicity these plans have had, after the initial hubbub. If anyone can write more about it, please take the lead!!! We need to get the word out.

Members of the campus community:

The University will host a new series of meetings about Carolina North for the campus and local communities on the last Tuesday of each month through May, beginning Tuesday, March 27.

Do you feel lucky?

Well do ya, punk?

In past there has been some discussion of doing an NCAA pool for OP participants.

Are y'all interested? If so, do you recommend an online service to manage it? Some that I've found include: Yahoo, Facebook (requires registration), ESPN, and a variety of others sites that are more expensive and less well-known.

I wonder if any of these include the women's bracket? That could be a problem for me 'cause I always pick UNC to win.

Campus Y Reopening Event!

Come check out the newly renovated historic Campus Y Building on UNC's campus on Thursday, March 1 from 4-6 pm!

This center for social justice is looking gorgeous after almost two years of renovation. Stop by the building for a tour (of all FOUR stories of the once-condemned building), some free food and a glimpse of what our seventeen committees and 1700 student members are up to these days.

And, wish the Campus Y a happy 100th birthday!



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