Kudos to Carolina North committee

As printed in the Chapel Hill Herald on January 6th, 2007:

Around this time last year, I was extremely skeptical about UNC's plans for a "Leadership Advisory Committee" on Carolina North. It seemed like just the latest in a series of bureaucratic bodies, at best another pointless waste of time and at worst a cooptation technique designed as an end run around substantive public input on one of the most important issues our area has ever faced.

Twelve months later, I am pleasantly surprised with the work it has done and cautiously optimistic about the direction we are heading in. Folks are engaging in a constructive dialogue about town/gown issues in a way that we have not often seen.

Carolina North Community Meetings Wednesday

Via UNC Director of Local Relations Linda Convissor-

This Wednesday, December 13th, there will be two public sessions for review of the draft ecological assessment recently completed as part of the discovery phase of our planning process for Carolina North.

Chancellor Moeser has said that Carolina North will be a model of sustainability. As one of the first steps to that goal, Biohabitats, Inc. has produced an ecological assessment to inform our planning. Your input can help us shape effective plans for sustainable development at Carolina North.

To accommodate different schedules, we will hold two sessions. The information reviewed at both will be the same so attend whichever is most convenient for you. Both sessions will be on Wednesday, December 13th in room 2603 of the School of Government:

3:00 – 5:00 PM. Parking available in either the Hwy 54 Visitor Lot or in the Rams Head deck.

6:00 – 8:00 PM. Parking available in the School of Government parking deck.

Town Council to decide on Lot 5 and UNC campus growth

A few interesting items are on the Chapel Hill Town Council's agenda tonight:

Three public hearings, the Downtown Development Initiative (aka redevelopment of Lot 5), safety improvements (presumably for pedestrians) on the by-pass, UNC's massive third development plan modification, establishing a small area plan for the neighborhood next to the county landfill, and a few other fun things.

I'm not sure if I can make it there in person, but I'll try to tune in while the meeting is in progress.

By the way has anyone visited TownOfChapelHill-dot-com lately? It appears to be owned by a squatter trying to game search engines with a bunch of commercial links. Didn't the town used to own the dot-com domain? How did this happen?


I just gotta shout "Amen!" to Bill Friday's letter to the editor about the million dollar salary of UNC's new football coach.

I believe that those of us who are college sports fans, who believe in and respect the great value of team competition, must look ourselves in the mirror and ask what we are willing to do to "win." Are these the priorities our university should have in investing its resources? Where is this race "to win" taking us?
- chapelhillnews.com | Your Letters

WCHL interviewed Dr. Friday and you can listen to it here: http://www.wchl1360.com/details.html?id=2347
How they can do this while raising tuitions and denying professors' requests for better salaries is beyond me.

Carolina North: The Invisible Discussion Forum

[ X-Posted from CitizenWill.org]

Did you know that UNC has created an online discussion forum?

Hey, I wouldn't have known but for this email:

Hello all,

I'm writing to let you know that the public discussion forum for Carolina North is now accessible online at http://research.unc.edu/cn/view_comments.php. If you would like to post a comment, click the "leave a comment" link at the bottom of the page, and you'll be asked to register your name and e-mail address. Once registered, you'll receive a confirmation e-mail, after which you can post comments.

Colie Hoffman
Office of Information and Communications



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