Apply for a Chapel Hill Advisory Board

Over the two years, Chapel Hill has gone through an extensive process to restructure our advisory boards and commissions. The main focus of this work has been to simplify the development review process, and has led to the creation of four major boards that will review development proposals (Planning Commission, Transportation and Connectivity Advisory Board, Environmental Stewardship Advisory Board, and Housing Advisory Board). The town will be making appointments to these four boards this spring, and we need community members to step up and serve to help move our community forward. The town also has a number of vacancies on existing boards that may be filled this spring.

The application to apply for the new boards is April 25th in order to be considered for appointment this cycle. I've been serving on the Council Committee on Committees (as I fondly call it) for about 9 months, and I'm excited about the potential for these new boards to help shape our community in the future. But the boards will only be as good as the citizens who are serving on them, so apply today! 



Because of the town's interest in reaching as many people as possible about our new advisory boards, the deadline has been extended to April 25th. I've updated my blog post to reflect this change. 

If I understand the action taken by Council last week: Greenways and Park and Recreation boards have been combined. The advertised vacancies will not be filled. Starting this year developer plans will no longer be reviewed by the Greenways Board. (Potential greenway issues with development will be handled  by the new phase I boards that will be formed this year.)Loren


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