We're compiling all the information you need to vote and have it be counted in the November 2020 General Election.
Early voting starts on Thursday, October 15th at 8am at all sites.
Here's a link for dates, times and locations.

Here's a link for information for requesting your Absentee/Vote-by-Mail Ballot.
Note: A signed and completed State Absentee Ballot Request Form must be received by the county board of elections office no later than 5 p.m. on the Tuesday before the date of the election for which the ballot is being requested, which is October 27th.
Your voted ballot must be returned no later than 5 p.m. on Election Day either by mail, or in-person to the Board of Elections Office in Hillsborough or to ANY early voting location in the county.
Sample ballots should be available for viewing by September 3rd with absentee ballots being mailed shortly thereafter. We will post links to both versions of the Orange County ballot as soon as they are available.
On election day, November 3rd, there are about six polling place changes. Among them Eastside, Lions Club, Hogan Farms and Eubanks Rogers. Carrboro and Lions Club Precients will both vote at Carrboro Elementary School through different entrances and in different rooms:
Sample Ballots
There are two sample ballot versions in Orange County:
B0001, the rest of the county (House District 50)
B0002, which includes Carrboro, Chapel Hill and all of UNC's campus (House District 56)