Guest Author's blog

On Wednesday...

Guest Post by Steve Sherman

Thrilled that Kerry won, and that massive mobilizations of people triumphed over a hideous campaign and desperate voter suppression efforts?

Bummed that Bush won, and ready to tell him we aren't going away?

Ready to make sure this time that we don't stand silently by while the Supreme Court overrules the American electorate?

Come out to the Franklin Street Post Office on Wednesday, November 3rd at 5pm, and join us as we celebrate or mourn and pressure Kerry or Bush (or Nader or Badnarik) to listen to the voices of the global multitude.

Additionally, if it becomes evident that this election has been stolen or tampered with, we will be participating in a nationwide call for direct actions throughout the day, with the Wednesday rally an opportunity for mass direct action.

Bring any and all noisemakers (drums, pots, pans, etc): we will not be silent.

I've heard a rumor that a statue of our current Commander-in-Thief may be toppled, but I can't say for certain.

Unaffiliated Voters in Orange County

Guest Post by George Entenman

I've been grabbing the raw Absentee and One Stop voting data every day for the last week or so (I am doing it for the Orange County Democratic Party). Here are my final counts from the raw data downloaded from the SBOE site this morning at 6:09 am Sunday.

Here's the Orange County early voting data through Saturday, the last day of early voting (there may be more absentee ballots received):

DEM : 1573 (51.79%)
UNA : 842 (27.72%)
REP : 610 (20.09%)
LIB : 12 (0.40%)
Total absentee votes: 3037
One Stop (Early) Voting, By Party
DEM : 18440 (60.96%)
UNA : 6331 (20.93%)
REP : 5371 (17.76%)
LIB : 106 (0.35%)
Total early votes: 30248

Notice some interesting things about Orange County:

1. More Democratic and Unaffiliated voters voted absentee than did Republicans.

2. More Democratic and Unaffiliated voters voted early than did Republicans.

3. In both cases the more traditional Rep - Dem - Una order prevailed in statewide early voting - see below.

Stop Sinclair

Guest Post by Tim Ross

Many of you have probably heard about the controversy regarding Sinclair Broadcast Group and its plans to require the 62 local TV stations that it owns to broadcast an anti-Kerry "documentary" shortly before the November 2nd election. The film, Stolen Honor, is reportedly a blatant political hatchet-job on John Kerry - it might as well be called Swift Boat Vets: The Movie. But while the Bush/Kerry race is on everyone's mind at the moment, this particular controversy is much more than just another development in the 2004 presidential race. The real issue at hand is the considerable effect that corporate media consolidation can have on local TV markets. Including this one.

Service Learning for Adults

Guest Post by Terri Buckner

Our local high schools and the university encourage students to participate in service learning, where students receive credit for participating in civic activities. Encouraging young people to embrace volunteer activities is both good for our community and good for the individual kid.

Now is the time for the adults of this community to undertake their own volunteerism. Carrboro needs YOU! According to the Chapel Hill Herald, "the town is facing a flood of openings on its advisory boards, yet few people have applied for the positions since August, according to the town clerk. "

Working on a citizen advisory committee is both fun and rewarding, sometimes even educational. And Carrboro makes their citizen volunteers feel very appreciated. Come on out all you latent activists!

Terri Buckner, an instructional systems designer, lives and works in Orange County.

West House

Guest Post by Ellie Kinnaird

"Export the qualities of McCorkle and Polk Places, the low stone walls, brick walks, and natural landscaping of McCorkle and Polk Places are the physical essence of Carolina [and] extending their graceful balance of buildings, open spaces and trees to developing areas of campus will improve the University." That's the recommendation of the Master Plan for UNC's North Campus. What happened to that goal? It has been abandoned and our older buildings on north campus, including the unique and graceful West House, are being sacrificed for a parking deck.



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