WillR's blog

The Town Responds to Broun

Cross-posted from WillRaymond.com

Mayor Foy issued a formal response (PDF) to UNC’s Ken Broun’s presentation about the new leadership advisory board on Carolina North.

Observing that the town has already formed a committee to discuss Carolina North, the Mayor and Council has referred UNC’s response to the 2004 HWCC report to the HWCC for further comment (my 1st meeting as a new member of the HWCC is Feb. 16th). Further aside: I was the 1st person in Chapel Hill to volunteer for this new UNC committee.
Following up on the Broun presentation itself, Council made several notable comments and requests for information:

Blackbox Magic?

Looks like we're going to experience a bit more fun than expected in this May's elections. Orange's voting machines, along with 100 other NC counties, have been decertified. From the HeraldSun's Emily Coakley

Orange County's Board of Elections is working to buy new voting machines after the county's current machines were decertified by the state earlier this month.

The county isn't alone. Voting equipment for all of the state's 100 counties was decertified, said Todd McGee, director of communications at the N.C. Association of County Commissioners. This has led to some worry among county officials.

Chief among the concerns is whether the two vendors approved to supply voting machines to the state will be able to deliver orders from 100 different counties by the May primaries, McGee said.

Hmmm, I think there's a bit more to worry about than whether the vendors will deliver on time.

So, what can we do to influence the choice of equipment?

Rosa Parks Rememberance

From yesterday's N&O:

Fred Battle remembers having to sit in the back of the bus. So he and the local NAACP are hosting a bus-ride tribute to the late Rosa Parks on Thursday, the 50th anniversary of her refusal to give up her seat.

"Most people are not even familiar with the history of the Montgomery bus boycott," Battle said. "This is our attempt to not only pay tribute to what's happening in the present but also to educate people."

All are welcome to board Chapel Hill Transit buses at 11 a.m. at the Hargraves Community Center, 216 N. Roberson St. [MAP] The buses will travel down Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and then head to the Franklin Street post office, where a rally will begin at noon with Battle and civil rights lawyer Al McSurely.



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