czei's blog

Why I won't be voting for Mr. Czajkowski for Major of Chapel Hill

In general most politician's campaign materials lack details.  Its easy to say we're going to reduce taxes, but much, much harder to identify what to cut, so I'm not going to rule him out based on that.  What did make up my mind, however, is his misunderstanding of mixed-use developments:

Is Will Raymond's Pamphlet Misleading?

A pamphlet from 2009 town council candidate Will Raymond showed up on my door today so I took a look, and read a nice quote on the very front about Will attributed to "Independent Weekly, 2009 Endorsement Issue".  I checked out that issue and was surprised to see that he hadn't actually been endorsed for the town council.  The way the quote is listed makes it seem like he'd been endorsed without actually stating it.  Does anyone else find this misleading?



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