East West Partners discuss LEED-ND


Wednesday, March 19, 2008 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm


East 54 - 1201-J Raleigh Rd., Chapel Hill

Via an email...

Please join the Triangle Chapter EGB and East West Partners as we talk about the East 54 community development project in Chapel Hill. East 54 is currently under construction as one of the only LEED-ND pilot participants in North Carolina. East West Partners will be discussing the LEED-ND rating system, which credits they are incorporating into East 54, as well as any challenges they have faced while designing the project.

For more information on East West Partners, please visit their Website at: http://www.ewp-nc.com/
And for more information about East 54 (and a construction webcam!) Visit: http://www.east54.com/index.php


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