About This Web Site

About this web site

Moving past the horse race

In national politics, we often criticize the mainstream media for covering the "horse race" between candidates instead of the issues. Do voters really need to know how much money someone has or do they need to know which candidate's health plan with help their family the most? In reflecting on OP's discussion of this year's election, I find it a little more horse-race oriented than I would like, although there is also a great deal of substantive and useful commentary.

Let's vote

Tomorrow is the last day of early voting. Polls at Carrboro Town Hall, the Franklin Street Post Office, and the Orange County Public Library will be open from 9 am to 1 pm. Anyone want to meet up for some voting and brunch?

I'm thinking Post Office then Ye Olde Waffle Shop, but I'm open to other proposals. Anyone game? Say, 10:30?

OP is growing up

OrangePolitics turns four on Thursday! Yes, we are walking, talking, and getting ready for pre-school. We're even potty-trained - quite proud of it too.

To celebrate, let's check out the brand-new Southern Rail, the bar/restaurant/beer garden housed at the old train station in downtown Carrboro. We'll meet at 5:30 on Friday (9/28) and stay for at least 2 hours. Candidates are especially welcome.

Also for our birthday, we're kicking off our first-ever fundraising drive!

Our last update was 3 years ago, and OP is seriously needing better identity management and improved community tools. I think drupal will be a good solution for us, and I hope to work with the good folks at Advantage Labs to make OP more useful and (and more stable) than ever.

A question of trust

Almost weekly someone says to me "why do you still allow that idiot so-and-so to post on OP?" Probably almost as frequently, someone else accuses me of "censorship" or worse for putting any limits on what can be read here on OrangePolitics. For whatever reason, this site has become a community of record and is read regularly by the media, elected officials, community leaders, and countless potential local activists. It may mean different things to different people, but it does matter what is said here.

Change is comin'

What's everyone up to?

I've been thinking a lot about blog/community software, specifically a new one for OP. Here are some that I know, please suggest other sites or platforms that you like.

http://drupal.org / http://civicspacelabs.org / http://bryght.org
http://mu.wordpress.org or http://lyceum.ibiblio.org
or just updating and souping up our current platform: http://wordpress.org

Migrating this site to another platform isn't anything I have time to work on in the next month or so, but we might was well start talking about it.



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