
13th Annual Walk for Education hosted by Public School Foundation

Walk and Race for Education set for October 17, 2009. 
  • Both the Race and Walk begin at McCorkle Place on the UNC campus.
    • Download the brochures (see the folder below).
    • The Race begins at 9 a.m.
    • The Walk begins at 3 p.m. and concludes with a carnival on the grounds of Lincoln Center.  Come out and support school clubs and organizations through activities, huge inflatable toys and food options.
  • To register for the 5k USATF-certified race, click here.
  • To pledge support for the walk for any student, click here.
To send a pledge to school, print the cover of the pledge envelope (download below), insert it into your own envelope and send with your check to your child's school or the foundation, PO Box 877, Carrboro, NC  27510.


Saturday, October 17, 2009 - 11:00am to 1:00pm


McCorkle Place to Lincoln Center

PTA Council / League of Women Voters forum for CHCCS School Board

The format will likely be the traditional format with a short open and close by each candidate with questions in a round robin format in the middle. We will take questions from the audience and from


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall

What Would You Be Willing To Do Without?

One of the recent threads raised the issue of the unsustainable increases in taxes that Chapel Hill citizens are faced with.  I'd be interested in knowing what services/benefits citizens (this includes Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Orange County) would be willing do do without in order to minimize tax increases or to even decrease taxes.  Would you be willing to have trash picked up every two weeks instead of weekly?  Would you be willing to have recycling every other week as well?  What about schools?  Would you be willing to have larger class sizes and/or fewer teachers?  How about fire/police protection?  Would you be willing to have fewer police and fire persons or to have fewer stations and longer response times?

Anyone who watched the Chapel Hill budget process last year knows that the Town Manager and his staff worked hard to cut the budget to the bone, in many cases leaving staff positions unfilled to make the Council-requested percentage cuts.  Although I don't believe public safety was jepoardized by these cuts it is hard (for me, at least) to see where any future cuts might come from.

NAACP School Board Candidate Forum

Thanks to MaryAnne for the tip.


Monday, September 21, 2009 - 3:00pm


St. Paul AME Church, Merritt Mill Road, Chapel Hill

OCDW School Board Forum

Orange County Democratic Women
Meeting – Thursday September 24th
7:30 – 9:00 PM

OWASA Community Room
lower floor of the Administration Building
400 Jones Ferry Road in Carrboro

This meeting includes a forum, open to the public, featuring Chapel Hill - Carrboro Board of Education Candidates.  Each candidate will answer specific questions from our moderator, after which there will be a time for responses to questions from those attending.  Candidates for the three seats are Michelle (Shell) Brownstein, Mary Anne Gucciardi,  J.M. (Joe) Green, Gregory McElveen, Christine Lee, and Susana L. Dancy.


Thursday, September 24, 2009 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm


OWASA Community Room



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