Can Students Count?

By popular demand, here's a thread for discussing the significance, or lack, or potential of student votes. Let's start with recent posts by John A.:

From the Town Data Book:

Table 21: UNC Population 1990-2002: Student Body, Employees, & Hospital Employees
Year /Students /UNC Staff/ UNC Hospital Staff
2002 /26,028 /10,115 /5,473

Don't know where all the above folks live, but even if only half lived in Chapel Hill, they would in fact be a powerful voting bloc. And if they voted as a bloc, would these "citizens" be discounted as tools of UNC? What if they voted "Chapel Hill First" as a bloc?

I think the uncertainties of Carolina North is a shared feeling among employees too, but I still think the well organized campaign against Bachman was wrong because there as not been anything to show a conflict of interest. I still wish I had a dollar for every vote that has surprised me because I assumed that someone would vote another way.

And Simon Spero:

The Sleeping Giant Wakes

Just got this Carolina North update from Tony Waldrop in my e-mail:

You will recall that the four Carolina North Advisory Groups which comprise the Carolina North Advisory Committee met during the first half of 2003, with each Advisory Group issuing a report of recommended planning principles and criteria to the Carolina North Executive Committee. That input has been used to develop a DRAFT concept plan for Carolina North. As planned, we will present this draft concept plan to the full Advisory Committee first.

Thus, we are pleased to invite you to attend the Carolina North Advisory Committee presentation of the DRAFT conceptual plan for Carolina North on Tuesday, December 2, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the Friday Center.

I don't know if this is a public meeting. Probably not.

Attack Ads

This seems to be an unfortunate first in Chapel Hill elections. The Daily Tarheel reports that Dianne Bachman, that paragon of moral purity, has run ads attacking Cam Hill for insinuating that she might not be totally fair when it comes to decisions about UNC development.

A few ridiculous things about this:


From this week's Indy (the endorsement issue that was missing a whole page of Orange and Chatham!), the following correction on page 21:

An Oct. 22 article "Town vs. Gown," should have said that Chapel Hill Town Council candidate Dianne Bachman was a board member of the Community Action Network, not the chair. Also, as a university architect and project manager, Bachman did not present plans to the Town Council, but attended council meetings to assist senior adminstrators on technical issues.

Sounds like Dianne didn't like being asked the old "so when did you stop beating your wife" question, and insisted that the Independent let folks know that it was months ago. Really. How reassuring.

And the fox says: "I wasn't actually 'guarding' the hen house per se, I was just, um, watching it for a friend. He'll be right back, I promise."

Public Hearing on principles for Carolina North

Tonight the Chapel Hill Town Council will hold a public hearing on the Horace William's Committee's recommendations for the land that will be Carolina North. This is a great opportunity for residents to encourage the Council to take a stronger stand in protecting the Town during the inevitable development of Carolina North - the biggest single development we've ever seen in Orange County.

The meeting takes place in the Council Chambers at 306 North Columbia Street at 7 pm. This is one of the first items on the agenda, so please be prompt!



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