district court

Don't forget the judges

The News of Orange reminds us today that is also a judicial race on the ballot this year as well as the County Commissioners, County School Board, State House Reps & Senators, and Congressional seat. Candidate filing for all of the above starts Monday, and there are already three judicial challengers announced. (I didn't know that!)

Props to candidates Glenn Gerding and Page Vernon, they've already got web sites up.

Four district court judge seats will also be put to a vote this fall, with M. Patricia DeVine retiring and Beverly Scarlett running for her first elected term since being appointed to the seat in 2007. Judges Lonnie Coleman and Charles Anderson are also up for re-election.

Because judgeships are non-partisan positions, the primary vote will only be held if more than two candidates seek one seat. Judgeship candidates must declare the seat for which they intend to run.


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