early voting

5041 new voters since January 1, with 1,540 of them at early voting

5041 new voters registered in Orange County since January 1, 2012, and of those 1,540 signed up to register during the early voting period. That's about 9% of the 16,498 casting early votes.

That's a good running start for the fall and a high level of new registration for a primary.

Early voting opens with a bang: 605 at Ramshead day 1

Early voting opened with a bang Monday.

1270 early voters countywide Monday, here are totals by location: 

  • Ramshead on campus 605
  • Carrboro Town Hall 226
  • Seymour Center 243
  • BOE office in Hillsborough 168
  • Mt Zion (Cedar Grove) 28

Five Early Voting Locations Announced for May 8 Primary

Subject to expected State approval, the Orange County Board of Elections has published the locations and dates/hours for early voting for the May 8 primary.

Early Voting on Campus Moves Forward: Rams Head Center

OC Elections Board chair Jim White just called me to ask my thoughts on an early voting location on campus. In fact the location that he and Matt Hughes had been kicking around turns out to be the one that I would have suggested. We talked about some logistical issues and hours (they are leaning towards 11 am to 7 pm there). The Board of Elections met at Rams Head this afternoon !

Early Voting Totals

The Board of Elections has added early voting turnout numbers to its website.  Click on our website  http://www.co.orange.nc.us/elect/ and then click on Early Voting Totals in the box with 2011election information to access the daily report. 

 We were at 531 as of end of day Friday.

 Jim White, BOE Chair




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