

I remember the disappointing results in key elections in 1993, when Democrats, fresh off a tremendous Presidential victory in 1992 became complacent and Republican activists got upset and activated.  New Jersey’s incumbent Democratic Governor, Jim Florio was knocked out of office.  That same year, Republicans seized control of the Virginia Governor’s Mansion, bringing us George “Macaca” Allen. 

Future Vision for Chapel Hill

 First to be clear I am supporting Mark Kleinschmidt for mayor.  Below is a link to a letter I wrote to the Chapel Hill News supporting Mark is you wish to read it.

 In my last blog I challenged the assertion made by councilman Czajowski that rising taxes were impacting the demographics of Chapel Hill in a manner which was reducing diversity in town.  I also thought, given that property taxes are being raised by several candidates in the race, that it would be good to review them.  Please check me if I am in error, but I believe the current tax rate for someone living in Chapel Hill (as I do) is:

An Opportunity to Advocate for Better Regional Transit

I just received an email announcing the organizational meeting for the Durham Orange Friends of Transit and it got me to thinking... As a resident of Carrboro, I continue to hear a lot of excitement at the neighborhood and town level about the idea of some type of fixed rail service with a stop in downtown that takes folks to the university and beyond to Durham. Despite this, everyone that I've heard that is "in the know" about transit issues seems to be dismissive of the idea that a station in Carrboro is a viable idea. I believe this is partially due to the perception that the Carrboro population is not large enough to sustain such a station. The types of statistics I've seen that justify transit and transit stops tend to only use population and density numbers, but don't take into account the percentage of the population likely to use such a service.

Sierra Club Endorsements

Laurin Easthom has posted the list of Sierra Club endorsees on her blog.

They are:

-Mark Kleinschmidt for Mayor

-Laurin, Ed Harrison, Penny Rich, and Jim Merritt for Town Council.

Children need to become critical thinkers and life-long learners

A parent asked me about a comment I made at a forum regarding how our children will change careers often and need to be able to learn, relearn, unlearn and relearn.  Jobs of the future will demand our children be life-long learners and critical thinkers.  As a follow up to that question, I want to share with you this video called "what does this all mean".



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