
The Weaver Street Market Board: The OTHER important election this fall

We thought turnout for the municipal elections in Carrboro was low, but word on the street is that the turnout for the board elections at Weaver Street Market is abyssmal. Apparently even though many folks in Carrboro are members of the Weaver Street Market cooperative, only a couple of hundred members actually vote in a given election for the board. Considering there are probably 10,000+ members (educated guess based on the membership numbers i'm hearing people give at the register these days), that's a 1-2% turnout rate. Considering that the market is arguably the soul and conscience of Carrboro, it's surprising that so few people take a moment to learn about the candidates and take the important step of voting.

This year we're hoping that changes. So in an effort to promote voting of "consumer-owners", both candidates for the board have written this piece to get the word out about the voting, to tell you a little about ourselves, and to encourage each of you to reach out to your friends and neighbors and encourage them to vote as well.

Orange County Parade of Homes for 2009

There are 9 Orange County new homes listed in the Parade of Homes insert of today's Herald.

Only one house is listed at barely under $400,000.  The other 8 are all over $500,000 with 3 listed above a million.  Does this say something about affordability in Orange County?  Combine those prices with the tax rates and what demographics are being invited to live in the OC?

NBC17 Manager Taking Over WCHL

Just saw this message on Twitter:

WCHL has sold minority ownership in the company to Barry Leffler, currently the General Manager of NBC-17 (WNCN-TV).

More details are available on the WCHL site, including "Leffler will assume the roles of CEO and Managing Partner with Heavner continuing as Chairman." Leffler is leaving NBC17 and plans to buyout all of WCHL.

What does it mean for the community?  More or less resources for WCHL?  What about local coverage, Air America shows, and CBS headlines? (And do we care about all of those things?)

Orange Unified Transportation Board survey

The Orange Unified Transportation Board has initiated a survey about transportation in Orange County.  More information is below.

We need YOUR input! Orange County is working with the NC Department of Transportation, the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization, the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the Orange Unified Transportation Board to create a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) for the County. It will recommend improvements for highways, public transportation, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities over the next 25 to 30 years. Although the CTP does not schedule or fund improvements, it is an essential tool in guiding the safe and effective use of the County's transportation system. The purpose of this survey is to obtain your opinions and identify transportation issues that are important to the citizens, businesses, and officials of Orange County.

Those Values

It looks like the "values" word is being thrown around again in this election.  If you do a search here, you can find other discussions on this, but we never seem to agree just what our values are, who holds them, and how broadly.



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