May 2017
The May 2017 column in the Chapel Hill News by Matt Bailey and OrangePolitics Editors Jason Baker and Molly De Marco explores how transit-oriented development can address the affordable housing crisis in our community. What are your thoughts? Read the column below:

Three of the biggest challenges facing Chapel Hill are providing affordable housing for people of modest incomes, bringing back tax-paying private-sector employers, and reducing the high cost of providing local government services that has resulted from policies encouraging suburban sprawl.
Transit-oriented development is a proven way to address all three of these challenges.
The Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017 Carrboro Board of Alderpersons meeting was live tweeted. Below is the storify of all related tweets.
1. Alderperson Michelle Johnson got a great send off complete with a proclamation, her very own street sign, star sunglasses, and tiaras.
2. The CBOA and town staff will continue to talk about MLK Park and the installation of one or two bike pump tracks.
3. IFC's rezoning permit for FoodFirst was unanimously approved!
I asked facebook Durham Herald Sun about local news coverage and this is what they sent me.
The McClatchy Co. owns the N&O and late last year bought the Herald-Sun. About a month ago, the N&O closed our Chapel Hill office and moved the news and advertising staff to the Herald-Sun's office near Northgate Mall in Durham. The CHN and all the N&O's 10 community papers are changing (look for an announcement later this week). Our goal is to make the Herald-Sun the leading news source in print and online for Durham, Orange and eventually northern Chatham counties. The two papers -- the N&O and HS -- will share content in print and online. Feel free to call me at 919-829-8950 if you have more questions.
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