December 2018
The following overview was written by Jennifer Player, new Director of Habitat for Humanity of Orange County to share key features of this exciting new project proposed for Chapel Hill to provides essential permanent affordble housing and more senior housing.
More than a year ago, two local nonprofits with a combined 70 years of service to Chapel Hill, began discussing a potential development partnership. As a result of those conversations, Carol Woods and Habitat for Humanity of Orange County developed a shared vision to create a vibrant, mixed income, intergenerational community off of Sunrise Road in Chapel Hill.

Snow blankets our streets and sidewalks and covers the ugly. For a brief period of time there is a quiet beauty in cities and towns. Snow also acts as an important indicator of usage, if we choose to pay attention and use this information to improve our infrastructure. On streets, the snow reveals how narrow a lane can be, and how slip lanes (a bane of pedestrians) are unnecessary and can prototype, to transportation planners, where they can be easily eliminated.
After 6 years (term limits!) of service with the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness Leadership Team, the last few as chair, my run ends with 2018. Throughout the month of December I’ve been curating a series of tweets talking about the state of homelessness in Orange County and nationally and the work that we and our partners are doing to make homelessness “rare, brief, and one-time.”
You can take a look at the full twitter archive here to learn about our partners, our successes, our needs, and ways you can help end homelessness in Orange County.
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