Elizabeth Waugh's blog
Orange County will be hosting an informal town hall style meeting regarding potential uses of the 2nd floor Whitted "A" building located at 300 West Tryon Street, Hillsborough, on April 4, 2013 starting at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting is open to the public and anyone who wishes to speak may do so. Please come out and support the OCCC's proposal to share the Whitted Building space with the Orange County Board of County Commissioners! We will be making a presentation about our hopes to establish a cultural center for Hillsborough and northern Orange County in this historical building.
The intended outcome is to illustrate potential uses of this facility, provide a forum for public comment and discussion, and to provide the Orange County Board of County Commissioners information as they continue to evaluate uses of the facility.

The Orange County Cultural Center (OCCC), a nonprofit cultural arts organization located in Hillsborough, is thrilled to partner with OrangePolitics to help celebrate OP’s 9th birthday on Thursday at Mystery Brewing. The OCCC shares OP’s vision of an open, diverse, and thriving community of ideas where creativity and innovation are nurtured.
We strongly believe that the more rural areas of Orange County are currently neglected in terms of access to arts and cultural events, despite the abundance of nationally known writers, storytellers, artists and other performers who inhabit Central and Northern Orange. There is no large, centrally located performance space serving Hillsborough and rural Orange. Youth do not have a central location for after-school arts programming, often having to drive a significant distance to reach the nearest arts center. The OCCC envisions a cultural arts center in or near downtown Hillsborough. The OCCC will benefit the economic vitality of the region by providing open space and the infrastructure to foster artistic and historic enrichment, collaboration, and education.
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