Please join us for a reception honoring
Representative Graig Meyer, representative for NC House District 50. While all are welcome, we are hoping to have a
gathering of like-minded young professionals who support Graig's
forward-thinking vision for North Carolina.
March 07, 2014 at 6pm - 7:30pm
FRANK Gallery
109 E Franklin St
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
United States
Because of the involvement of a federal
officeholder in this event, we are asking for donations of up to $2,600
per election, from any individual. We are not asking for funds from
corporations, labor organizations, or other federally prohibited
Friday, March 7, 2014 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm
FRANK, 109 E Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

For one night only come tour Dr. Graves’ Zombie Research Facility.
Witness the exciting medical breakthroughs and social benefits of
harnessing zombie labor. Our future is zombies!
October 31st 7pm to 11pm
@ The Hillsborough Rd. Coop
621 Hillsborough Rd. in Carrboro
$5 Under 18
No Onsite Parking- a short walk from downtown Carrboro
(ride a bike or trick or treat your way there)
Benefit For Internationalist Books and
The Weaver Community Housing Association
Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 7:00pm to 11:00pm
621 Hillsborough Rd. Carrboro, NC
Are you an Ibooks member, volunteer, or patron? Come out to the
annual members meetup and enjoy delicious food donated by Vimala’s
Curryblossom Cafe. Hear about what’s up with the store such finances,
new projects, exciting events that we’ve hosted over the year, and
conversation with other like-minded and involved people. You’ll also be
able to vote on new members to this year’s board of directors. You can
renew your membership at the event or become a sustaining member online here.
Internationalist Bookstore has served as an
activist center and a free organizing and event space for youth and
other community members in the Chapel Hill area since 1981.
Saturday, October 26, 2013 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Vimala's Curryblossom Cafe 431 W. Franklin St.
The League of Women Voters of Orange, Durham, and Chatham Counties will
sponsor a voter education program entitled Now Who Pays? The Impact of
New North Carolina Legislation and Budget on Local Government Services.
The goal of this program is to promote greater understanding of the
effects on local county governments of the State budget and tax
legislation enacted during the 2013 session.
Kelly McCullen, Host of UNC-TV's Legislative Week in Review, will open
the program with a summary of the new tax legislation and other outcomes
from the 2013 legislative session that impact funding of local
The specific impacts on local budgets, revenue sources, and services
will be discussed by Charlie Horne from Chatham County, Deborah
Criag-Ray from Durham County, and Michael Talbert from Orange County,
each representing a County Manager's office..
The program will be held Thursday, September 19, from 7pm to 8:30pm, at
Extraordinary Ventures, 200 S. Elliott Road, Chapel Hill. The program is
open to the general public. Admission and parking are free.
Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Extraordinary Ventures, 200 S. Elliot Rd, Chapel Hill
N.C. Utilities Commission public hearing on the rate hike requested by Duke Energy.
Duke Energy is rigging rates to force you to pay for climate-wrecking power plants we don't even need. The company creates demand for electricity by attracting data centers and other large users to North Carolina by offering dirt-cheap rates. The cost of building these new power plants is shifted onto smaller customers. Residential rates will increase an average of 13.9% if Duke gets its way, and rates for small to medium-sized businesses will go up as much as 10.7%.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Orange County Courthouse, 106 E. Margaret Lane, Hillsborough
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OrangePolitics is a not-for-profit website for discussing progressive perspectives on politics, planning, and public policy in Orange County, NC. Opinions are those of their authors. Learn more.
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