Mike Swaim is the Pundit of the Year

Congratulations to Mike Swaim. I break down the results in this video:

Let me know what size t-shirt you want, Mike!


This is a thread for posting results and also for looking at the aggregated totals from our Pundit of the Year contest. (A winner won't be announced until results are final.)

I'll be watching this page for Orange County election results (be sure to page through as it does not show all races on one page).

Here's what our pundits think:

Election day open thread

Have you been to your poll sites yet? Have the yard signs in your neighborhood multiplied? What's on your mind?

OP on the radio

Tune to WCOM in at 8:30 on Election night (tomorrow) for a half hour of discussion about the 2008 primary election with me and Carrboro elected officials Mark Chilton and Dan Coleman. Listen on the radio at 103.5 FM if you are in central Carrboro, anywhere else you can catch the Internet stream at http://communityradio.coop.

I will also attempt to stream a live video of us while we're on the air. If that works, you can find the video right here on this page.

Afterward we will either hit the candidate parties (where are they?) or go home and geek out on election data.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - 4:30pm


WCOM, 103.5 FM

Where are Senator Clinton's People?

I like Senator Obama just fine, but one more phone call or doorbell ringing from his people and I'm ready to file a restraining order.

On the other hand, I have no mail, no phone calls and no knock-knock-knocking on my door from Senator Clinton's people. Other than lunch in February with a strong supporter of Senator Clinton, I have seen neither hide nor hair of the campaign.

Is this common throughout Orange County? Or is it just my neighborhood? Or demographic?






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