Carrboro Board of Aldermen

This Week in Orange Politics: March 17-23

The campaign season for Orange County's Democratic primary races gets into full swing this week, with the first candidate forum, hosted by the Orange County Democratic Women. Also this week the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education will consider a resolution opposing the state’s new legislation that ends teacher tenure and creating teacher contracts, and the County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on a solution for solid waste. 


Regular Meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 7:30 pm, Town Hall Board Room


Process for Providing Sewer to Historic Rogers Road Moves Forward

On February 10, 2014 the Chapel Hill Town Council voted unanimously to pay their share of the preliminary engineering and surveying necessary to extend sewer to the historic Rogers Road Community (this would include 86 home lots). These activities are required for the extension of sewer regardless of whether the Chapel Hill Town Council moves forward with a utility district or ETJ. In addition to funding for this preliminary engineering work, the CHTC voted in favor of including funding for community outreach efforts to assist community members in learning about the preliminary engineering work and what it means to go forward with sewer hook-ups (see agenda item with link to staff memo here).

This Week in Orange Politics: March 10-16


Teacher contracts, traffic and and affordable housing can all be found on the agendas of Orange County’s elected bodies this week. The Carrboro Board of Alderperson will get an update on downtown traffic and discuss how to incentivize environmentally friendly developments, while  an affordable housing strategy will be before the Chapel Hill Town Council. In Hillsborough, the Town Board will consider approving several new developments,


Regular Meeting: Tuesday, March 11, 7:30 pm, Town Hall Board Room

This Week in Orange Politics: March 2-8


Despite a condensed schedule due to today’s weather, it will be a busy week in Orange County. Rogers Road will be the agenda for both the Carrboro Board of Alderpersons and the County Commission. While the Orange School Board Hillsborough Commissioners take a break, the Chapel Hill Town Council will focus on Ephesus-Fordham and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board considers its budget and the designation of over- and under-crowded schools.


Regular Meeting: Tuesday, March 4, 7:30 pm, Town Hall Board Room


This Week in Orange Politics: February 24-March 2

Candidate filing closes this Friday, so don’t forget to join us Friday night at Steel String Brewing in Carrboro to meet candidates in this year's elections at our Candidate Coming Out Party.

In terms of the county’s public bodies, the national issues of Medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act will come before the Chapel Hill Town Council and Orange County School Board, while Carrboro and the County Commissioners will both hold hearings on their respective land use ordinances.



Regular Meeting: Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 7:30pm, Town Hall Board Room




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