Carrboro Board of Aldermen

Forum Open Thread: Carrboro Board of Aldermen

Happy Monday evening, everyone. This is the open thread for conversation about the live Carrboro Board of Aldermen candidate forum. Post your thoughts and reactions here. You can also reach the editors during the forum via Twitter, Facebook, or the contact page.

Sierra Club 2011 Carrboro Mayor and Board of Aldermen Endorsements

The North Carolina chapter of the Sierra Club proudly announces its endorsements for the 2011 Carrboro races.  The Sierra Club supports candidates with demonstrated knowledge of local environmental issues who will provide strong leadership on matters including growth and conservation.For mayor of Carrboro, the Sierra Cub endorses incumbent Mark Chilton.For Carrboro Board of Aldermen the Sierra Club endorses incumbents Dan Coleman and Lydia Lavelle, and challenger Michelle Johnson.  Mayor Chilton, who has held the mayor’s office since 2005, earns the Sierra Club’s continued support for his consistent leadership on environmental issues affecting the town and county.

In The Race for Carrboro Aldermen

Hello OP!

My name is Michelle Johnson. I'm running for Carrboro Board of Aldermen. I'm excited to be involved in the conversation on OP about the many important issues facing our community. 

Find me on Facebook:  here

Find me on Twitter: @MichelleforBOA

Advocates for Carrboro Greenways presentation to Carrboro Greenways Commission

The Advocates for Carrboro Greenways will be making a 10 minute presentation to the Carrboro Greenways Commission on the development of Greenways that will provide safe off-road transportation; traffic/CO2 mitigation in Carrboro; access to natural areas for all citizens; and preservation/restoration of degraded areas.



Monday, September 20, 2010 - 2:00pm


Carrboro Town Hall, Alderman Meeting room

Herrera's New Family

Congratulations to Carrboro Alderman John Herrera on his recent remarriage.  (A beautiful wedding ceremony it was, too!) John's new blended family has six (!) children and I received the news this afternoon that his new family is making a new home in Holly Springs, which necessitates his resignation from the Board of Aldermen.

I want to say that although I will miss having John on the board (and in Carrboro), I know he is doing the best thing for his family and I wish him all the best.  I am also confident that John will remain a leader in North Carolina and I look forward to hearing what he is up to next.  Congratulations and thanks for your service, John.

Here's the email he sent the BOA:



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