school board

Election 2009 Maps: Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board

The maps in this post show the precinct-level results of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board election.

Thank you.

I want to thank everyone for their help and support.  I appreciated the opportunity to join your discussions and learn from you.  I congratulate the winners for school board and offer them my best wishes.  One of the best parts of the campaign was getting to know more people, make new friends and meet voters.  I promise to continue working for children in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro public schools.

PACT on Community Radio

PACT! is about community

 Last Friday morning, Suepinda and I joined Lori Hoyt on WCOM 103.5FM, Carrboro's low powered community radio, on her weekly radio program WILPF Wake Up Call.  We were discussing the beginnings of PACT! as an organization and the need for parent and child advocacy in the CHCCS district.

 When we first arrived, scurrying through the doorway just minutes before going on air, Suepinda dropped the bomb that I was to be the sole speaker.  Boy! was I surprised.

 I asked how long was the segment.  Lori told me we were on for the full 30 mins.  I thought, "OMG, what can I talk about for 30 minutes? We tested mic's, started a bit of conversation and then went on the air.

 Well, in the real world, 30 minutes is NOTHING.  Part of the reason were were scurring in the doorway at 7:20am was the fact that we had just got the four little children out the door for school to make the bus.  To say that our mornings are busy and 30 minutes is nothing is an understatement.

Did You Know? updated

I went back to find the research that supported the video I posted and saw this version.  This is the link.  The supporting research is on  As you mention, not all may come true and it may be a scare tactic.  But even if only 50% comes true, it is still important to think about the global economy and what the workplace will be like for our children. I feel strongly that we need to focus on creating life long learners and critical thinkers.    


Children need to become critical thinkers and life-long learners

A parent asked me about a comment I made at a forum regarding how our children will change careers often and need to be able to learn, relearn, unlearn and relearn.  Jobs of the future will demand our children be life-long learners and critical thinkers.  As a follow up to that question, I want to share with you this video called "what does this all mean".



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