
Smith Level Road

For approximately 25 years, DOT has been wanting to widen Smith Level Road. The latest effort to expand the number of vehicle lanes between Ray Road (town limit) and Morgan Creek bridge, was voted down by the Carrboro Board of Aldermen on April 20.

This morning's Herald-Sun reports that DOT staff has offered Carrboro 3 options:

Third grade WHAT?

This isn't front-page material, but a passing reaction and 'statement of concern' for the town's 9-year-olds:

The billboard on Estes Dr. in front of Estes Hills Elementary School is currently announcing "Third-Grade College and Career Night."

Public hearing on Smith Level Rd (S. Greensboro St) widening & BIKE improvements


TIP Project No. U-2803 Orange County

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will hold a Pre-Hearing Open House and Combined Public Hearing on March 9, 2009 at Carrboro Elementary School, located at 400 Shelton Street, Carrboro, 27510.

NCDOT representatives will be available at a pre-hearing open house in the auditorium lobby between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to answer questions and receive comments relative to the location and design of the proposed project. Interested citizens may attend at any time during the above mentioned hours. Handouts and comment sheets will be distributed. The formal public hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. The hearing will be open to those present for statements, questions and comments. The presentation and comments will be recorded and a written transcript will be prepared.

NCDOT proposes transportation improvements to SR 1919 (Smith Level Road) which include: widening Smith Level Road to three lanes (between Rock Haven Road and Culbreth Road), transition between three to four lanes (between Culbreth Road and BPW Club Road), and widen to a four-lane, median divided roadway between BPW Club Road and Morgan Creek. A roundabout intersection is proposed at the intersection of Smith Level Road and Rock Haven Road.

Sidewalks and bicycle accommodations are proposed throughout the project.

A map displaying the location and design of the project and a copy of the environmental document – State Environmental Assessment / Finding of No Significant Impact - are available for public review at the Town of Carrboro, 301 W. Main Street, Carrboro, 27510.
The map is also available online at: .

Anyone desiring additional information may contact Ed Lewis, Human Environment Unit, at 1598 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1598, by phone (919) 431-6585, by fax (919) 431-2001 or by email at
NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this hearing.
Anyone requiring special services should contact Mr. Lewis as early as possible so that arrangements can be made.


Monday, March 9, 2009 - 12:30pm to 5:00pm


Carrboro Elementary

Bridging the Achievement Gap

I am not sure how many folks have read Macolm Gladwell's book, Outliers, but it has a very interesting take on the gap in success between poor kids (often, but not alway minority) and middle class ones.

Because I live in Chapel Hill and work in Hillsborough, I have the opportunity to interact with school officials and parents from both county systems - Chapel Hill-Carrboro and Orange. One thing that is clear is that there are excellent students, teachers and administrators in each system. As a parent with a Middle Schooler, I am curious about the way we make decisions regarding teaching our kids.  As one of the original members of the Parent-Advisory CMTE for the Dual Language Program, I remember discussions about how to implement the program and reach out to an ethnic and economically-diverse population.  What struck me was the pre-conceived notions regarding poor people and minorities. 

North Carolina's teachers in trouble

I've created a searchable database of teachers who have been disciplined in North Carolina by certification committees or school districts.

Haven't been able to find out if any are in Orange County or CHCCS yet. 



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