June 2016
Officer D here; this is my first post on Orange Politics!
For those of you who don't know me, I'm a member of the Carrboro Police Department's Community Services Division. One of my primary assignments is to create, organize and complete Community Oriented Policing (COPS) initiatives. Our current major COPS initiatives are the Police Department Open House (next event--June 22nd from 6:30 PM to 8 PM) and the Citizen's Police Academy (September 10th, all day). Current ongoing initiatives are Coffee with the Cops, Kava with the Cops, Neighborhood Forums, Pizza with the Police and other similar events.
I'll be periodically posting officer profiles, announcing major events and attempting to keep people posted on what's going on with the Carrboro Police Department!
Come to the Carrboro Police Department Open House!
June 22nd, 2016 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the Carrboro Police Department.
Officers will be on hand to show you our vehicles, special equipment and give you a tour of the Police Department. Sgt Walker and K-9 Turbo will also be there to show you how our K-9 program works.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm
100 N. Greensboro St., Carrboro, NC 27510
In early 2015, UNC-Chapel Hill released an extensive report about the business startups and spinoffs that faculty, students, and alumni have created. This report quantifies the impact of these businesses: 150+ businesses, 8,000 jobs created, and $7 billion in annual revenue for the state of North Carolina.
But what this report doesn’t detail is the direct impact of these startups and spinoffs on our local economy here in Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Orange County. There’s a pretty simple reason for that: Few startups coming out of UNC stay in our community. So why can’t Chapel Hill foster a local startup scene when other college towns, like Boulder and Cambridge, have gotten national attention for the startup economies they’ve developed in their own communities?
Our group savecarrborogreenspaces.org has collected 332 signatures near the Farmer's Market on 2 Saturdays and 3 Wednesdays. Our last chance with the Carrboro Aldermen is June 21. We need your help now to address this new "profits over people" environmental social injustice.
Land use decisions are to made deliberately, after public input. But Silicon Valley's wealth is pushing their ASAP culture onto communities and disrupting local procedures (e.g. Uber). To attain market dominance, Google Fiber imposes rules that speed the sitings of its internet relay facilities: Since towns control permits, Google will not partner with utility districts. Google allows towns to nominate only sites that towns own directly. Towns don't own much land, so parks and urban green spaces get nominated.
Through citizen complaints, we've recently identified some problem areas where speeding and unsafe driving issues have been reported to us.
- Davie Rd, a 25 MPH zone (speeding particularly between Neville Rd and Fidelity St)
- Rogers Rd, a 35 MPH zone
- Carol St & Lorraine St, a 25 MPH zone (speeding, running stop signs, etc.)
- N Greensboro St near Shelton St, a 20 MPH zone (speeding, failure to yield to pedestrians, etc.)
- Morningside Dr at Spring Valley Rd, a 25 MPH zone
I'll be working with several patrol officers over the next few weeks to really focus on these areas. If you wish to report problem areas or request additional services, there are a number of ways to contact us.
Tonight, the town is holding a meeting in Southern Village to discuss traffic concerns and a recent plan to restripe the market street area. The meeting is on (tonight) Tuesday, June 14, 2016, in Ascension Hall at the Christ United Methodist Church.
The traffic concerns arise from neighbors encountering speeding cars, especially on Edgewater Drive. The town actually conducted a study last summer on this street and came up with a plan to add traffic calming devices on this road.
Anyone living on Edgewater welcomed this. However, some neighbors on other streets opposed it, citing their belief that cars would simply reroute down THEIR street. For people not familiar with Southern Village, the streets that connect to Edgewater are all narrow, and very hilly. Neither of these features will entice 'cut through' traffic.
{Cross Posted from Chapel Hill News}

If you boarded a Chapel Hill Transit bus back in February, you might have been greeted by someone with a clipboard asking you to answer a few questions about your ride. The results of this survey were just released and include relevant and interesting findings as we think about the future of transit in our community.
These survey data tell us quite a bit about who rides Chapel Hill Transit. Most riders (88 percent) were somehow affiliated with UNC, and 93 percent of those surveyed were taking the bus to get to college or work. A majority (68 percent) ride the bus five days a week while another 21 percent use it three or four days a week.
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