
News and opinions related to local elections.

Who's the biggest political geek in the county?

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OK, the election is a few days away.  This has not been the most exciting election season, but sometimes the smallest stakes can inspire the strongest emotions.  It's time for our annual Pundit of the Year contest.

Zazzle modelSubmissions are open until 7:30 pm on Tuesday (when the real polls also close). Results will be announced by the weekend. The winner gets a free OP t-shirt or hat in the size and color of your choosing (by way of a gift certificate to the online OP store).

Joe Phelps and the Realtors

Last week the upstanding Greater Chapel Hill Association of Realtors* announced they were endorsing realtor Joe Phelps for at-large County Commissioner (as well as farmer Earl McKee in district 2). How in-depth was the research behind this endorsement? They didn't even look at the other candidates.

The association said neither Jacobs nor Broun approached them about an endorsement.

“If we had been, we would have met with them and listened to their views,” Zimmerman said.

Daily Tar Heel: "Realtor association at odds with Carrboro mayor over endorsement" April 21, 2010 

The most important endorsement...

...YOURS! You regulars know the drill: this is a special rules thread. Only write about who you are voting for (or would be if you lived in their district) and why you support them.  

Other topics and criticism of candidates is welcome on other posts, see http://www.orangepolitics.org/issue/elections/2010.

The final countdown

The Primary Election is in one week! (What a great time for a statewide news network to stop reporting and start begging, eh?)  Early voting is still on until Saturday at 1pm at the Board of Elections office in Hillsborough and at the Planetarium on UNC's campus. Remember: you can REGISTER and VOTE in one swell foop only if you vote early, and you can do it in either location. If you vote on Election Day (Tuesday, May 4) you have to do it at the site for the precinct where you are registered. (Check out a sample ballot.)

In Orange County, we'll be selecting members of the County School Board (not city schools, only county) and making partisan nominations for County Commissioner, County Sheriff, State Legislative seats. We'll also be joining the rest of state state in nominating candidates for U.S. Senate and Court of Appeals Judges, but the difference is that the winners of the Democratic Party primary in Orange County will be over the hump, whereas the battle for the Senate will be just beginning. 

Here are some of the resources we've put together on OrangePolitics this year to share information about the candidates...

Campaign donations 2010

For a few weeks now, I have been compiling as much campaign finance information as was available to me.

Well, I finally finished. I have separated the information into three spreadsheets that I am sharing with the public: one containing candidate information, the other containing donor information, and the last containing itemized transactions from the donors to the candidates.

As I wrote before, it's difficult to find information on local elections. There is simply not a lot of money in play and the data is hard to get your hands on.



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