
News and opinions related to local elections.

Candidates Website Reviews

I will be posting a review of the candidate's websites for County Commissioner. It is interesting to look at the different campaign websites and see who is internet savy and who is just outdated. A similar project to when Ruby looked at the candidate's different yard signs. After County Commissioner, County School Board and Sheriff candidates will follow. Have you looked at the websites and seen any you specifically like or dislike? Let me know!

Candidate's Website Review

I will be posting a review of the candidate's websites for County Commissioner soon. It is interesting to look at the different campaign websites and see who is internet savy and who is just outdated. After County Commissioner, County School Board and Sheriff candidates will follow. Have you looked at the websites and seen any you specifically like or dislike? Let me know!

Rigorous debate at NAACP candidate forum

Last night, the Chapel Hill/Carrboro chapter of the NAACP held a candidate’s forum for the County Commissioner at-large and County Sheriff’s race.

The candidates present were: Clarence Birkhead, Lindy Pendergrass, Joal Hall Broun, Barry Jacobs and Joe Phelps. Alice Gordon also stopped by, even though she is uncontested in her County Commissioner race in District 1.

There was actually a lot of ground covered at the forum. Among the topics discussed was the 287g Program, overcrowding in county jails, funding for the Chapel Hill library and Google Fiber Optics.

Most notable was William Thorp, the NAACP chapter chair, giving an impassioned plea to the commissioner-hopefuls to fix the situation in Rogers Road. The plea came in the wake of a new report that found 9 out of 11 wells in the region were contaminated and a quarter of the septic tanks in the area were in disrepair.

Reporting Local Campaign Finances

Well, if anyone was wondering why there is a noticeable void of good reporting on campaign finances in local elections… I have the answer.

The answer is pretty simple, but horribly boring.

The answer is a lack of uniformity in campaign finance report rules, a lack of money to throw around and a lack of technological advancement in local governments. More notably, the office-holder hopefuls who are filling out these forms (or are having their buddy/treasurer fill them out) are also fairly technologically challenged.

NAACP Candidate Forum

NAACP to Sponsor Orange County Candidates Forum in Chapel Hill

[March 17, 2010-Chapel Hill, NC] The Chapel Hill-Carrboro branch of the NAACP will sponsor an open forum for Orange County candidates running in the May 4 primary election for Commissioner and Sheriff. The forum will be held in Chapel Hill on Thursday, April 1 at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall.

All candidates are invited to share their views on a variety of quality of life issues from education and economicdevelopment to law enforcement initiatives.

Carrboro Alderman Joal Hall Broun and former Hillsborough Mayor Joe Phelps will challenge incumbent Barry Jacobs for an at-large County Commissioner seat. Hillsborough Police Chief Clarence Birkhead will challenge incumbent Lindy Pendergrass for Sheriff.

The Forum is free and open to the public. 


Thursday, April 1, 2010 - 3:00pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill



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