
This Week in Orange Politics: January 13-19

We're trying something new for the new year. Each week we'll post what will be happening in the coming days in Orange County politics. What will you be talking about this week? Tell us in the comments.
Monday, January 13th
  • 6:30 pm Arts Commission, Rm 1 Century Center
  • 7:15 pm Open Streets Planning Meeting, Rec & Parks Department
  • 7:30 p.m. Northern Transition Area Advisory Committee, Rm.

Time to Retire the Word "Openly"?

With the election of Mayor Lavelle and the re-election of Mayor Kleinschmidt, every news report I hear or read about them includes the terms "openly gay" or "openly lesbian."  Having not gone through the experience of keeping key elements of myself private and then navigating the landscape of revealing these to family members, friends, coworkers and the like, I don't have the grounding necessary to comment.  Nevertheless, the use of the word "openly" gives me some unease.  It seems to suggest that the public still harkens back to some sort of unspoken compact with gay and lesbian polticians that the cost of being elected was silence.

 As we in Chapel Hill and Carrboro strive to continue to lead in the progress toward a fairer and more tolerant society, maybe we can move from "openly gay mayor" and "openly lesbian mayor" to just "gay mayor" and "lesbian mayor".  Then, who knows, maybe just "mayor."

Open Office Hours with Mia Burroughs and Lee Storrow

Join Chapel Hill - Carrboro City School Board Member Mia Burroughs and Chapel Hill Town Council Member Lee Storrow for open office hours to discuss your concerns in Orange County. We'll provide refreshments, just bring yourself. Whether you have a specific concern, or just want to hear more about what local government and the school system are doing, we want to hear from you!


Monday, January 13, 2014 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm


Joe Van Gogh Coffee 1129 AD Weaver Dairy Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Ready to Work for Chapel Hill!

Thanks to all the folks who came out to the organizational meeting of the Chapel Hill Town Council. It was incredibly exciting to take the oath of office, especially with my family and friends there and Rep. Larry Hall doing the honors. I forgot to thank Mr. Fred Battle for all his help and support and wish I had. There were so many people there that I wanted to thank. GRACIAS!  I am really excited about my committee assignments: Parks and Recreation CommissionPersonnel Appeals CommitteeTransportation BoardFirefighters’ Relief FundGreenways Commission. It will be a busy year for sure. Looking forward to serving the community,


What kind of County Manager do we need now?

As you hopefully know, Orange County is in the process of looking for a new Manager to lead the county government. Last week OP editor Molly De Marco attended the first session along with CHCCSS School Board Member James Barrett and probable County Commissioner candidate Mark Marcoplos. And that's it. No-one else attended the meeting. The second meeting was held last night in Hillsborough, but I was not able to make it (as I had hoped to do) and I doubt many other did in that miserable weather!

Personally, I think the most important trait in a government leader is a dedication to democracy and open government. There are many more priorities, but if a good leader listens to the people of the county then those things will follow.



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