County Commissioners
I was surprised to read on the OrangeChat blog this week that Democrat Earl McKee, running for an open County Commissioner seat in District 2 (northern and western Orange) has raised and spent well over $10,000. He already won the primary in May, in which he narrowly beat Renee Price, and promises to be the kind of (relatively) conservative voice that the not-so-new-anymore county commission districts were designed to elicit.
McKee is running against a Republican who has raised less than $3,000, most of which is a loan to his campaign. Oh, and did I mention he's a Republican? He is not going to win a county-wide seat around these parts. Like that fact or or not, it hasn't happened in decades, and even if Karl Rove's PAC starts buying ads on WCHL, it's not going to start now. (I'm not saying never, though.)
Yup, I will be live-blogging yet another OC Commish forum for you guys! The forum is Wednesday April 14 in the Chapel Hill Council Chambers.
My coverage will be right here starting at 7pm. If you don't particularly want to go to the forum OR read my live-blog (where I periodically diverge on rants about people asking me to type softer)--the forum will also be televised live on the government access, Time Warner channel 18.
Scheduled to attend so far are: Joal Hall Broun, Alice Gordon, Barry Jacobs, Earl McKee, Joe Phelps and Renee Price.
For those of you that won't be able to make it to tonight's County Commissioner Candidate forum, I will be liveblogging the event here on OP!
The forum starts at 7pm and it is being held at Chapel Hill's Town Hall on MLK Blvd.
I am sure most, if not all, Orange County residents are unaware that a Special Use Permit (SUP) to cram a large dog boarding and training facility on a portion of an occupied residential lot bordering New Hope Creek in the Rural Buffer of Orange County has been granted by our Board of Adjustment (BOA). I am nonplussed how this came to pass.
Orange County’s 1981 Comprehensive Plan describes our Rural Buffer as “a low-density area consisting of single-family homes situated on large lots…a minimum size of two (2) acres…rural in character and which will remain rural, contain low-density residential uses.” New Hope Creek is a primary tributary of Jordan Lake. Several communities draw drinking water from Jordan and thus have a direct interest in protecting its watershed. It is one of the most important wildlife habitats in the Triangle.
This coming Tuesday, the Orange County Commissioners are scheduled to endorse the Reality Check Report: Guiding Principles for Quality Growth. Apparently this was a conference held back in February for visioning the ideal principles of growth in the 15-county local area. The 3 guiding principles adopted by this group are:
Transit- Vibrant Centers
- Sustained Greenspace
These are all solid principles, but are they really the top three? What about clean air and water? What about human issues like education?
Does anyone know anything about this process or the groups sponsoring it? The only local name that I recognize is Rosemary Waldorf.
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