To RSVP for March 22 hearing, go here: http://www.ifcweb.org/rsvp
Starts at 7:30 p.m. Board Chambers Room 110 of Carrboro Town Hall
From the IFC Website: "The IFC has met with the Board of Aldermen to start the process for FoodFirst, but we need your continued advocacy and support to bring this vision to reality! A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 22, 2016, and we would love to see as many friendly faces as possible to speak on behalf of FoodFirst. You can find more details about this project at www.ifcfoodfirst.org!"
Statement of Support for IFC Community Kitchen in Carrboro:
Weaver Community Housing Association would like to voice its support of the IFC locating the Food First community kitchen in downtown Carrboro. WCHA is concerned about public safety for all of its residents and that includes those of low-income and marginalized populations. Hence, our organization does not support criminalization of the homeless by spreading fear of panhandling and loitering. The existence of poor residents is not a public safety issue. Tactics such as these have been used by many cities to push the poor and homeless farther out of town where they are invisibilized. We stand with the National Coalition for Homeless and their Homeless Bill Of Rights and recognize that violence and marginalization of the homeless is a national problem.
We also recognize the the Food First kitchen will be supplying groceries to many families who plan to cook meals in their homes and that a focus on fears of “idle persons” is largely unwarranted. Roughly 1.7 million people in North Carolina live in poverty, which amounts to about 1 in 5 people. There is an overwhelming need for centralized, community services especially now that the state of North Carolina has stopped supplying food stamps to those without work. We also recognize that people of color disproportionately make up these affected groups at, by some estimates, roughly 78% of those who live in poverty in our state. When we choose to make these services less accessible, we do so at a detriment to these marginalized groups. We ask that Carrboro businesses and the town make the decision to support these community efforts downtown and stand up for those who are struggling in our communities. We also ask for other local organizations to sign on to this statement.
Weaver Community Housing Association is a non-profit housing association that is owned and managed by low-income residents in Carrboro, North Carolina. Our mission is to provide permanent, affordable and sustainable housing for low-income families and individuals, and to empower them to make decisions to maintain their homes and communities. See www.Wcha.coop for more info
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 7:30pm to 10:30pm
Room 110 Carrboro Town Hall
Weaver Community Housing Association would like to voice its support of the IFC locating the Food First community kitchen in downtown Carrboro. WCHA is concerned about public safety for all of its residents and that includes those of low-income and marginalized populations. Hence, our organization does not support criminalization of the homeless by spreading fear of panhandling and loitering.

Want to see food trucks in downtown CH? Want to eat good food while contributing to the IFC's Community House? Come enjoy 5 food trucks in the parking lot at 300 E Rosemary St on Sunday April 28th 4-8pm.
Sunday, April 28, 2013 - 4:00pm to 8:00pm
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 300 E. Rosemary St, Chapel Hill
Monday night (June 11th), the Inter-Faith Council will present it's Good Neighbor Plan and consider a lease between the State of North Carolina and the Town of Chapel Hill for the land and a sublease between the Town of Chapel Hill and IFC to build the new men's shelter on the property.
More information on this story can be found here.
Public comment is expected both for and against the plan. OP will be live tweeting.
4 miles. 90 minutes. 8000 steps.
Join us on March 25 to help end hunger in Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and around the world.
The Chapel Hill/Carrboro CROP Hunger Walk is a four-mile stroll through Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and the UNC campus, beginning and ending at the Carrboro Town Commons. Over the past quarter century, the event has become a festive community tradition and has raised over $1 million dollars to fund hunger relief programs both locally and around the world. 25% of the money raised goes to support the IFC's food programs in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. The remainder is used by Church World Service for it's international hunger prevention efforts.
Registration begins at 1:30 at the Carrboro Town Commons. There is a silent auction during registration with final bids accepted until 3:30. The silent auction will include certificates from local restaurants and a pottery class from Good Earth Pottery and Garden.
The walk begins at 2:30. Activities and entertainment will be provided prior to the walk and snacks will be available afterwards.
Sign up to walk, or sponsor congregations, organizations, or individuals as they walk at:
Can't walk on the 25th? Sign up to be a "Spirit Walker".
Get more information at:
Questions? Contact Rachael at 929-6380 ext. 29.
Help end hunger one step at a time.
Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 1:30pm
Carrboro Town Commons, 301 W. Main St., Carrboro, NC
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