January 2017

Chapel Hill Hosts Open Data Event This Saturday

In case you missed it, the Town of Chapel Hill launched an open data portal this past summer, joining several other local area Triangle governments who have made strides in releasing government data to the public in an easily consumable fashion. Data sets range from fire incidents to library circulation to budget data, and hopefully we'll see more added over time. Even if you're new to working with data, the portal includes some basic charting and map-building functionality that are simple enough that almost anyone can use them.

This Saturday, the town is hosting an event to bring together interested parties to figure out what kinds of interesting things can be done with the data, explore, and build something cool. I'll be there and I hope you will too.

Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board poised to pass living wage policy

On Thursday, January 19th, 2017, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education is poised to enact a policy to ensure a living wage for all full-time employees of the school district, welcome news that has the school district joining the towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill in having living wage policies. The living wage floor will be set at the new living wage for the county of $13.15/hour.

Frustratingly, as a result of the horrible and far-reaching House Bill 2, no entitity, including our school board, can require that contractors pay a living wage to their employees. This is a significant problem in our school district, as noted in the abstact for this policy, because a large number of positions (predominately janitorial and child nutrition staff - notoriously low paying positions already and filled largely by people of color) have been shifted to contractors. 

immigration law in Orange County

This should be an interesting forum.

Post Date: 01/24/2017 8:51 AM

Carolina Student Legal Services, Inc., Justice Initiatives, Inc., and the Town of Chapel Hill will co-sponsor an Open Forum for the University and the surrounding Community entitled:

Immigration Law and the New Administration
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
6:00 to 8:00 pm
Carolina Union Auditorium on the Campus of UNC Chapel Hill


Contacting White House about immigration

I went to the white house web site to contact Trump about his latest ex order about immigration. I tried to call the numbers listed. I used 202-456-1414 this Sunday afternoon and a pleasant woman answered and explained that the comment line has not been activated for this administration and I should complete the on line form from the web page which I did.

Bolin Creek Unpaved Documentary Friday at Oasis

Two showings on February 3, at 7:00 and 8:30.





Friday, February 3, 2017 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm


Oasis in Carr Mill Mall

Bolin Creek Unpaved Documentary Monday at The Station

Put on by Townsend-Bertram, at 6:30 on February 6.


Monday, February 6, 2017 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm


The Station (next to Carr Mill Mall)

Keeping Bolin Woods asphalt-free

If you enjoy Carrboro's asphalt-free Bolin Woods as-is, please try to see Charlie Morris's new documentary "Bolin Creek Unpaved" at the Oasis on Friday or at the Station on Monday (put on by Townsend-Bertram) .. it was a real eye-opener for me!  The first showing on a Sunday afternoon at the ArtsCenter on January 15 nearly sold out their theatre .. 350 people paid $11.50 each and gave it well-earned sustained applause.  There was an article on the film in the Daily Tarheel on January 23, and the DTH ran my letter on January 27:






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