
Nancy Oates and Bell Campaign

This entry is a response to Nancy Oats commentary on her blog, entitled #WeAreNotThisEither.  

In response to the question asked by Council Member Oats regarding why I was paid 2,000 USD to be Mayor Pro Tem Bell's campaign manager:

This was the sum agreed on between Mayor Pro Tem Bell and myself for my services contingent upon campaign resources as the election cycle unfolded.  Pure and simple.  I guess you could write, "sum agreed upon based upon verbal contract" in the box, but that seems a little nit picky.  

It is a fair question to inquire about campaign finance and elections, but aren't these questions better suited for the press? 

This Week: Just Do It!: A Tale of Modern Day Outlaws! & Deep Green Resistance Roadshow

Do you want to seel real change in the word and in the way we live on this planet?  Are you tired of hearing about species going extinct everyday, methane plumes in the Antarctic, dead zones in the ocean?  Would you like to meet more people like yourself, and create a reinvigorated movement.  If so, then you're in luck, because there are two events coming up this week in Chapel Hill for you!

Thursday  June 21st, free screening of the documentary film Just Do It! A Tale of Modern Day Outlaws 7 p.m.  405 W. Franklin St.@ Internationalist Books

Saturday June 23rd, a presentation by the Deep Green Resistance Roadshow from Wisconsin 7 p.m. @ Internationalist Books 405 W. Franklin St.

 Descriptions below:

Hello and welcome!

Hello, all! I'm Sarah Morayati, a UNC senior and former Daily Tar Heel reporter. I've followed OP for a while now, and now I'm covering local government and development for Reesenews, the news/multimedia website the UNC journalism school just launched.

Right now we're planning out our coverage focuses for the coming year, and even though we're only a week or two past launch, we'd love to hear your thoughts about how we can better serve the community.

In particular, we're hoping to be able to use the freedom that comes with our online platform to provide more in-depth coverage of news and issues. This can happen through long-form articles and series, experimental story forms, multimedia, etc. -- whatever works. Is there anything you'd like to see more of? Less of? Issues or news topics that have gone under-reported or covered too briefly?

Let us know what thoughts you have -- either here, on Twitter or by email (sarah [dot] morayati [at] reesenews [dot] org). We're listening!

How Proud the N&O Must Be

Why do I bother participating in OrangeChat, the News & Observer's blog on Orange County?

The reporting is fine, but the comments are terrible.  It is mostly a bunch of snarking from John "Elvisboy77" Kramer and a few others.  The comments are only occassionally enlightening or penetrating.  The ones worth reading are so few and far between that it hardly seems worth bothering with.

For example, two days ago Mark Schultz posted a blurb about Elizabeth Edwards opening a store in downtown Chapel Hill:

What's the response?  Let's hit some highlights:

What she NEEDS

Watch & Share of Debate Broadcasting LIVE Friday Sept 26. at The Peoples Channel

The Peoples Channel, Chapel Hill & Orange County's Community Media Center & Public Access TV Station, is opening the airwaves to members of the community to come in the studio to watch the Presidential debates. We will be going LIVE Friday Sept. 26th at 8:30pm with the first debate between Sen. John McCain & Sen. Barack Obama on the big screen. The community is welcome to come in to share their thoughts before, during, & after the debates. Live coverage will go on until 11pm with rebroadcasts the following day. Don’t let the corporate pundits have the last word, come in & tell the community what you think while you watch.


What: TPC Watch & Share of the Presidential/Vice Presidential Debates LIVE

When: Friday Sept 26th. Doors open at 8pm, we will broadcast LIVE at 8:30 until 11pm.

Where: TPC Studios 300AC S Elliott Rd Chapel Hill


Please call 919.960.0088 or email if you have any questions.


Friday, September 26, 2008 - 4:30pm to 7:00pm


300-AC South Elliott Road Chapel Hill NC 27514



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