public participation

Final Presentation of CH2020: Joint Meeting of the Planning Board & Sustainability Committee

On Tuesday, June 5th at 6:00 pm there will be a joint meeting of the Planning Board and Sustainability Committee at which the final version of the Chapel Hill 2020 plan will be presented. Although only the charges of the Planning Board and Sustainability Commission require that they make a recommendation to Council regarding this plan, other boards may submit recommendations to Council if they wish. Therefore, members of all the Town’s advisory boards are encouraged to attend the presentation as it is an opportunity for them to hear the same information and have their Chapel Hill 2020 questions answered during the public hearing.

The final plan will return to Council on June 25th. 
Additional Boards which may be in attendance include: 

  • Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Board
  • Cemeteries Advisory Board 

  • Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission
  • Community Design Commission
  • Community Policing Advisory Committee
  • Greenways Commission
  • Historic District Commission
  • Human Services Advisory Board
  • Library Board of Trustees
  • Parks & Recreation Commission
  • Personnel Appeals Committee
  • Public Housing Program Advisory Board
  • Stormwater Management Utility Advisory Board
  • Transportation Board 


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm


Chapel Hill Town Council Chambers

Chapel Hill 2020 Crosses The Finish Line

Last night marked the last meeting of the stakeholder involvement portion of the Chapel Hill 2020 process. After brief introductions from the leadership of the process and town staff, the theme groups met to consider the action items drawn up by town staff based on pervious meetings. If you haven’t yet been able to have your say on 2020, you still have a few opportunities including:
  • The information meeting for the town advisory boards on Chapel Hill 2020 on May 10 at 6 p.m. in the Town Council Chamber
  • A “public information meeting” on May 14 at noon in the Town Council Chamber
  • A public hearing when the Town Council receives the plan as part of its regular meeting on May 21 at 7 p.m. in Town Council Chamber
Moving through the rest of the year and beyond, there will also be opportunities for involvement that aren’t directly related to Chapel Hill 2020.

Chapel Hill 2020 Process Changes Directions

Chapel Hill town manager Roger Stancil opened tonight’s Chapel Hill 2020 meeting by describing where we are in the process. As part of that description, he mentioned that the town was moving out of the “intensive engagement” part of the process and into the “refine and review” process. Tonight’s meeting and some recent developments in the process seem to clearly point out that this is indeed the case.

Future Focus Report Out Frustrates Participants

Earlier this evening town staff briefed the public on the results from the Future Focus sessions held last week. The meeting followed a pretty basic format. During the first and last 30 minutes, participants were free to roam around five different rooms, one or each of the special study areas that town previously identified. In the hour between, Mary Jane Nirdlinger, the town’s assistant planning director, gave a presentation synthesizing the results while taking questions from the audience.

Future Focus Sessions Fall Flat

On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, the town of Chapel Hill conducted charrette-style Future Focus sessions designed to understand how town residents would like to see Chapel Hill grow from the urban design perspective. The overall event was split into three sessions, one on Wednesday evening and two identical sessions on Thursday. The first session included several presentations on town growth and an urban design exercise where participants were asked to rate 50 different images on their favorableness for fitting in downtown. The second and third sessions were map mark-ups for five study areas along key transportation corridors (i.e. MLK, 15-501 and 54).



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